All the dazzling flashes stumbling upon her, blinding her eyesight. All of their questions are like shit throwing at her gasping no damn while their hands are armed with big cameras and microphones. One of them finally gets in her stomping through t...
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12th February
"Chin up, not too much. Yeah, perfect!"
Followed by one after another clicks along with Royce's bona fide instructions, the imposing phenom keeps on striking scalding poses before the camera.
Gussied up in 90's denim loose attires top to the bottom acquainted with her wet mocha locks slicked back, well that's what demonstrating such redolent look on Snow which she fancies more than any other hairstyles. The fluttering lush lashes along with the tempting scarlet tint on the lips has dangerously made the array looks perfect for the retrospective and brooding thematic concept for TOMBS's next music video photoshoot.
"'re done." With a pleased smile Royce lifts her head showing a big thumbs up. "That was a perfect slay!"
"Ohh let me see!" Jiggling her way to Royce, Snow is very curious for the outcome if it's distinctive enough or too much potent to portray.
"Okay, is it your camera which is sexy or is it just," her lips impishly curls up while her hand finds the photographer's shoulder to swaddle up, "me?"
Royce glances over her shoulder with the playful snigger on face. "Of course it's my camera, and it's Canon, in case you seek to know."
Slight squeal trills by the younger's lips. "Seems like, you're spending too much time with Minho unnie lately, aren't you?"
"I can hear you guys." Minho's voice catches their attention as they dart their heads to the source who seems like destroying the phone sitting at the corner of the studio. Must be playing those ninja games again.
"Girls," manager Jee, enters the hall with the schedule script in her hand, "you have 30 minutes left to get to the airport. Are you done with the photoshoot?"
"Not yet. Only Jay unnie is left." Miyoon replies while getting puffed with a tiny bit of face powder around her nose.
"What? Where is she?" Manager Jee's face scrunches up in annoyance in instant.
"She's in the washroom." Snujin's voice bursts out of another corner who's face is also glued to the phone but enmeshed her whole body with Lilly next to her.
"For the past fifteen minutes, if you inquiry." Minho reckons right after.
"Huh? What is she doing in there for this long?" Manager Jee seems not so pleased with the pieces of verses from everyone.
"The fact is, I mean the actual fact, it's the aftereffect of six packs ramen from last night. So she kinda have a bit more time out there probably." Lambasting the poor behind her back Snow takes a chamber next to Snujin.
"I'M HERE MANAGER-NIM!" A loud shrill bangs into the studio. "I'LL KiLL YOU GUYS! Just wait till this over." Jaeyoung stampedes her way to the backdrop stand with such pursy blitz while fixing her hair with hasty strokes.