what happens in the van stays in the van

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For writing purposes i decided i will call the girl character Taylor, so it's easier to write, now enjoy!

It was three in the morning, I was with JJ in the van smoking some weed, outside my roommates house, john b's.
We were talking about John b and his perfect hair while we were lying in the back of the van looking at the ceiling

"Yeah but it's very fluffy and every time I see it it is combed, there is hardly any wind and I already have 66 knots in my hair, it's not fair"
"You sound like you're in love with him" he stated still looking at the ceiling
"You discovered me! how did you realize?"I said in a funny way
"Why don't you go and fuck him?" his jaw was marked, his teeth clenched as he stared furiously at the ceiling, lately it was very normal for JJ to be jealous for any boy who approached me.
"Ohh come on baby, you know you are my favourite" as he did not respond I started to get impatient
"You know what, yeah, I'd let him fuck me as I ride between his legs and grab his hair" he turned his face towards me with a frown
"Fuck John b" I said with a fake moan
"Fuck off Taylor" jj's face was red with fury, he turned to the side so I couldn't see him, I leaned on my forearm and started to draw hearts with my finger on his face
"You don't have to be jealous, the only person I would let fuck me non-stop it's you baby... but if some day you want to do a threesome with John b or Pope i'm completely down" I joked but it wasn't really funny to Jj
"Ok that's it" he grabbed my neck and placed me on top of him, I could already feel his dick below me, we start kissing agressively

"You've been a little shit all night Taylor" He hissed.
"Sorry. At least I can control my raging hormones," I mumbled, stumbling toward JJ to trace the outline of his straining cock in his shorts
JJ snatched my wrist, stopping me from teasing "It doesn't help when I've got a fucking tease of a princess"
"You've got dirty lips, baby," JJ hissed, his hand letting go of my wrist to press his thumb against my pink, plump lips.

His thumb slipped in between Taylor's lips easily, the girl moaning around it as his tongue laved over the pad of his thumb.
"Always so horny after smoking weed, huh?" JJ questioned, but already knew the answer, she felt some type of way after smoking weed. He chuckled when She bobbed her head yes.
"Gonna let daddy fuck your pretty pink lips and come all over your face?"
Taylor's brows drew together. She moaned around his thumb.
"Words," JJ told him, pulling his thumb from her mouth to swipe it over her beautiful bottom lip.
"Only if daddy promises to cum on her princess' face"
The words were like a punch in the gut to JJ, his cock jerking against its restraints.

He hastily unbuttoned his shorts and pulled the zipper down. One of Taylor's hands helped in pulling his shorts down to mid-thigh, while the other gripped the base of JJ's cock. Taylor gave his cock a lazy stroke, eyes centered on the leaking head.

"You're so wet. I got you all worked up, huh?" She pressed his lips to the tip of JJ's cock, humming lowly at his loud groan.

"If you don't get your lips wrapped around my dick..." JJ trailed off with a broken moan as Taylor lewdly sucked the head of his cock. His thighs shook when Taylor teased the wet slit with her tongue, the boy humming as the taste of JJ's bitter-sweet pre-come exploded on her tongue.

"I'm gonna fuck your face," JJ mumbled, fingers moving from their grips on his own thights to push Taylor's sweaty hair aside.

Taylor looked up at him with dark green eyes, sucking JJ a couple inches into his mouth.

"Let daddy fuck your face?"

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