I'm the dominant here

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Author's Note: I decided that this book will consist of one shots smut that have a story line with JJ. In this episode Taylor does not have sex with JJ, she does have it with another character, but it is for the story, what I can assure you is that this book will be full of smut

It's dawn and I find myself at a beach party full of pogues and kooks.  The music exploded from the stereo making everyone dance, of all the parties that have been held on the beach this summer, this was definitely the most crowded

After dancing with Pope And John B, I decided to make new friends and start a conversation with someone I don't know, I want to open my social circle besides the pogues.

I approached the beer to serve myself when suddenly I feel someone behind me touch my shoulder

"Hello?  I have seen you many times at parties but I never had the pleasure of talking to you, my name is Rafe "
"Hello!  I'm Taylor, I thought kooks didn't talk to pogues huh? "  I said with a curious look, what was he trying to do?
"Yeah, I can make an exception for someone as cute as you"
"Hmh, really?"
"Well, I can prove it, do you wanna dance?"  He asked stretching out his hand, while looking into my eyes, I could see something dark in his gaze but I could not find out what, whatever, he is cute and JJ disappeared as he always does at parties
"Of course, dont you know that I'm the dancing queen?"
With a smirk on his face he approach to my face and said "Prove it"

We started to have a good time actually, he was funny when he wasnt with his dumb friends.We were doing stupid dances amd laughing.
He was fun but also hot, he had that something that JJ has, something like rage in his eyes and movements that magnetize me.

"Let's go to the table for more alcohol!" He said all happy
"Fuck yeah"
When we got to the table, he pulled out a bag with white content inside
"Want some?"
"No thanks, I'm good with the alcohol."  I don't like to put things on my nose, so yeah.

While the rich boy was sniffing some lines, I was waiting uncomfortably by the table, looking for my friends with my eyes, just to know, anyways I couldn't find none of them, so I turned around and there he was, The rich kook inviting me with his hand to the dance floor.

At this point we were REALLY fucked up, we started to dance closer and closer until our bodies collided.
When suddenly a few meters ahead of me I found JJ flirting with a tourist.

I felt jealousy boil my body.  While JJ was flirting with the tourist, he looked at me jealousy with his piercing eyes.
If looks could killed I would already be 4 meters underground.

With Rafe, we ​​danced close together, already rubbing each other slowly in the middle of the dance floor.  This angered JJ even more, who began to approach the tourist dangerously, with his eyes still fixed on me, he took the girl by her neck while speaking to her ear.
I was frozen in Rafe's arms while he didn't know what was happening.

I started to leave little kisses on Rafe's neck as he left little moans in my ear, my eyes still connected to JJ's, when suddenly I see something that breaks my heart and leaves it torn to pieces at the bottom of the sea, he began to kiss the girl, STILL connecting his dangerous gaze with mine.

You know what, fuck him.
I looked for Rafe's mouth and we started to make out, I started to get a lil bit excited so I just said to him
"Your house?"
"I was waiting for you to say that" with a cheeky smile on his face he gave a last kiss and took me to his motorcycle, to his very expensive motorcycle.


On the way to Rafe's house, I leaned my head on his back thinking about JJ, how could he do that to me? I felt hurt but at the same time I was thirsty for revenge

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2020 ⏰

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