Chapter 4

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Third Person

Harry was going to be late. He had to be down in the Great Hall in two minutes, but he was still sleeping.

"Shit! Shit shit shit shit! Malfoy, why didn't you wake me up!" He said glaring at the tall blond who was standing across the room.

"Why would I Pottah. I needed to show how the Golden Boy isn't perfect." He responded, and returned the glare. Harry rushes across the room and quickly started the shower.


"Mate, what took you so long?" Ron asked as Harry sat down with a thud. "You look dead"

"Thanks. Really uplifting aren't you. I didn't get up until like ten minutes ago. The great prick Malfoy thought it would be funny."

"I honestly don't understand what you two have against one another! You know he's not evil!" Snarked Hermione

"That's not the point. We don't have that much against each other, but if I were to go befriending him now that would show that he won. I can't let Malfoy beat me. Plus, you're really defending him?" Said Harry with a sort of pride.

"He's got a point" Ron chimed in, but then cowering back as Hermione's hazel eyes were glaring daggers at him. Harry was glancing around when he noticed Malfoy get up. "Suspicious" he thought, but evidently just shrugged it off.

Draco POV

*self harm warning*
I grabbed a knife and left the table. Walking down these hallways remind me of all the dreadful things I did. God damn. It's all my fault. I could have helped. People died, and I could have prevented it. I know I can't end it, but cutting makes me feel somewhat more connected to death. It makes me get what I deserve.

I slice through my skin, careful to avoid veins, but making sure to cover the dark mark. It has been cut so much, that I find myself slicing at scars. But I can't stay in here forever. I slash a few more times, pull my robes over it, and leave the bathroom.

Third Person

Draco heads back to the dorms, finding Potter already there. He must have been in the bathroom longer than he thought. They laid down without exchanging even a glance, but neither could fall to slumber.

Next morning

"Get up Pottah" said draco as he sacked Harry with a pillow.

"Bug off" he grumbled in response,

"So this is what I get for being nice to the golden boy. Won't try that again." Harry rolled his eyes, but trudged out of bed. Seeing that he hadn't showered since coming to Hogwarts, he went in. As the water rolled over him, he realized that Draco actually did wake him up that morning instead of letting him be late. He pushed it aside though. It's possible for someone to do a single nice thing, but it didn't mean that Harry and him would become pals.

Draco POV

I didn't see Potter around, so I assumed he was already in the great hall. Not like it mattered. I got on my robes, straightened my tie as best as possible, and started walking to the bathroom to do my hair. I opened the door and immediately knew something was wrong by the steam, but didn't take action till Potter came into view.

"Damn it Malfoy, can i have no privacy?!" He yelled at me.

"How the fuck was I supposed to know you were in here!?" I yelled back quickly pulling the door shut.

" I don't know, maybe by the sound of a shower running?!" I grumbled at my stupidly. When he came out a few minutes later, fully clothed, we didn't make eye contact the entire time. Damn, I'm so awkward. Why does it matter though. He's my enemy. Enemy. Strictly enemies. It was his fault for rejecting me in first year. I knew that wasn't what it was, but I didn't want to think about it for any longer so I headed to the great hall, not to eat of course, but to get my mind of Potter.

Harry POV

God damn that was so fucking awkward. Is Malfoy deaf or something? I mean, at least he's going to the great hall now. I don't know how he is though. There are too many people. Then there was a knock on my door. I opened it and it was Ron and Hermione. They had broken up after the war when Hermione realized she was gay, but they remained good friends.

"Hey Harry, we brought you food. I know it's hard to see people, but I hope it's okay if we're here." Said Hermione passing me a plate of bacon and a bagel, which I promptly placed to the side.

"Thanks Hermione" I said letting them in. "Hey, guess how my day started. Malfoy walked in on me after I was in the shower,"

Ron's eyes bulged, "Eww! We're you in the bathroom?"

"Yeah, but he didn't know. It was awkward as hell."

"Harry, you'll live. And if you notice, it's time to leave." She pulled me up, and headed to potions with the new Professor Sef. She seemed strict, and to make it worse, it was all of the eighth years in one class. More Malfoy for me.

A/N I know I haven't updated in a while, and I don't really have an excuse, but I'm sorry! I'll try and update more though. I hope y'all stay safe, maybe vote and comment, and enjoy the story!

Pottah-Drarry   *discontinued for now*Where stories live. Discover now