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I know, I haven't update in like almost 2 weeks I just needed time for family and personal life...
but I'm back so yeah and also please listen to the song it's one of my favourite songs ever so yeah...

Plus it gave me the idea for this oneshot.

Anyways hope you enjoy it

Simon's POV

I have been studying everything about him how I am going to get close to him how I am going to satisfy my needs and survive and trust me I'm going to savor every bit of him even if deep down somewhere in my soul and in my body something is telling me not to but I never listen to anything or anyone so why change now...

I guess I really deserve my nickname don't I... even thinking about makes me shiver it sounds so bad but that's the way it's supposed to be I am not human at least not anymore... I gave up all humanity when I killed and crave my urge for the first time and at that moment I knew I was someone else, someone whose rules is to survive...

Kill or get killed they say... true... I only live by that rule that's who I am Simon Cowell is dead I killed his presence a few years ago now I am just a survivor an ANIMAL

I need to wait until it's 10:00 pm that's the only chance I will have to reach him and finally live for another month or so...

Sitting on on the middle of my living room I looked around at everything I had accomplished.

People fear me now and I am their worst fear the type of fear they don't ever get over from and only that fact makes me smile in a way if someone looked at me they would see the face of the Devil.

9:50 pm

I must get going otherwise he will run away and I will die and after all that I have done I can't aford to die.

Getting up from my couch was the fun part of this that's when I knew I was ready to face my life again looking everywhere I remembered everything single name written in this walls including Amanda Holden my best friend she was a tricky one but I eventually convinced her to follow me big mistake must I say after only a few minutes she gave up all resistance...

I knew he wasn't going to be easy for but fun part is he can't resist a good looking men like myself even if it's a deadly man.

Getting into my car I was immediately withdrawn on the visions of what was going to happen that thought lead me to an immersive giggle uncontrollable one actually...

You are going to love this David trust me

Pulling up out side the bar I got out of my car and immediately pursed to hide on the side of the of the building knowing perfectly where he always parks his car with a huge grin on my face I waited and played like if I was just a normal person calling his girlfriend.


Here he is...

I watched has he slowly got closer to his car has I was leaning against the wall a few steps away from his car...

He was now only a few steps away from his car and at that moment I studied every bit of my plan again inside my head...

Has he was about to reach his car door handle I quickly got behind him and got a hold of him he was trapped...

I put my hand over his mouth and slowly reached my lips closer to his ear and whispered...

"Don't worry I won't hurt you or kill you at least not yet so consider yourself self has saved at least for now" I slowly whispered making his legs shiver from my words and I knew I had him now but I needed to make sure he wasn't going to leave and run to the police department so I used the hand that was around his neck to tap on his tendon and knock him out...

DAMON (Oneshots) 🏳️‍🌈Where stories live. Discover now