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***Ricardo POV***

Deep down, I knew I shouldn't kiss her. But the way her skin glowed in the moonlight, her plump lips parted as the spoke with her soft seductive voice and her green eyes lit up like emeralds drove me insane.

For the most dangerous woman in the world, her touch was so gentle as she caressed my tattoos with curiosity. I've been with plenty of women before, but none of them made my heart throb like Ariel did.


Me and my family drove to where the cruise was located, with the Blacks in separate limousines. We were supposed to wear "normal" clothes so I wore a blue t shirt, a pair of shorts and slides. As usual, we all smuggled in weapons.

My entire family got along with each other, even Irina and Rocco were eventually inseparable.

The only two that didn't get along was me and Ariel. We avoided each other since our kiss. For the past few weeks, I couldn't seem to get that damn dark headed witch out of my head.

Me and Ariel were posing as a married couple with the second name "Forrest"

"Are you ready wife?" I noticed Ariel looked pissed off so I tried pushing her buttons even more.

"You'll be lucky if you survive this 2 month long trip before I strangle you." She crossed her arms and stomped away.

"What happened to her?" Rocco asked with his arm around Irina.

I ignored him and stepped onto the cruise. The overly peppy cruise lady arrived to show everybody their rooms. All was going well before she offered to take Ariel's bags and Ariel punched her in the face.

"Control your wife, Ricardo." Jett joked before she practically stabbed him with her eyes. Another crew member came along and showed the rest of us to our rooms.

***Ariel POV***

"Here ma'am, I'll take your suitcase." The woman forcibly tried to grab my suitcase out of my hands.

"No no, I've got it." I reassured her but the damn woman insisted. She snatched it out of my hands and tried carrying it away before I closed my fist on her face. Everyone burst into laughter, even my uncle was trying to hold back his laugh before he made me apologise to the woman.

I didn't mean to hit her. I just felt so irritated, I should have hit Ricardo. Yesterday's kiss scared me.
I had never kissed a man and felt anything before. I had just used them for work, but none of them actually meant anything to me.

I hate this. I don't love, and I won't love. Work comes before everything, I repeated in my head.

Everyone's suites were right next to each other, and of course my suite was right across Ricardo's. I looked around my room - there was an ensuite, a tv area, a fridge, a walk in closet and a balcony that connected with Irina's room next to me. I sat onto my bed and unpacked my suitcase. I would have bought 10 suitcases but my uncle told me there would be a mall in the cruise.

And it was one big cruise all right, with a waterpark, gym, salons, a club etc. It was my first time on a cruise so I got changed into my swimsuit and headed out towards the pool so I could cool off.

The freaking pool looked like a beach, which I had an immense love for and walked into the water, the cool water calming my body under the scorching sun.

I floated around and watched as the cruise sailed away from Italy, until it became a distant dot.

The vicious thoughts that raced through my mind finally came to a halt, and I let the water carry my body, creating my own bubble.

"Ariel, are you listening?" Rocco asked. My bubble popped and I turned around to see Ricardo and Rocco laying shirtless on the tan beds, Irina sitting on Rocco's lap.

"What?" I asked.

"Your uncle is calling you."

My teeth clenched. I slowly started to walk out from the water, not realising when Ricardo's eyes had moved onto me. He lay back and still, completely unaware of the group of teenage girls giggling and whispering about him.

My stomach tilted, and I squeezed the water from my hair wondering why he was still looking. I decided to do something about it and lifted up the sunscreen, before squeezing it at his chest.

Rocco and Irina burst into laughter. Ricardo only narrowed his eyes before he got up and reached towards me. I tried resisting, but the man was stronger than me. He threw me over his shoulder, and tossed me into the pool before I could even think.

"You asshole." I yelled as he let out a laugh. Before he could walk away I pulled myself out and pushed him, making him fall in the water.

Seconds later Rocco comes racing.

"Cannonball!" She shouts, jumped in with Irina in his arms and causing another huge splash.

"What the fuck?" My uncle stood, almost about to explode with anger as he looked down at his soaked suit.

"AAAAAAHHHHH!" Jett comes flying out of the air and splashes into the pool, causing my uncles suit to get soaked even more. He stomped away, saying a string of curses and flailing his arms as we watched in amusement.


My first few weeks on this cruise weren't as cursed as I expected. All seemed normal, as if we weren't mafia bosses on a mission. As if we weren't underground criminals. As if we didn't have the hunger to kill.

Me and Irina chose to hang out in the hot tub which sat outside our connected balcony. We changed into our swimsuits and took some bottles of soda with us. Her favourite was lemonade, which repulsed me as I watched her down it.

The muscles in my body relaxed as the warm water hit my skin. I pushed my hair towards my back, so it wouldn't get soaked. Me and Irina sat in a pleasing silence, listening to the waves crashing against the ship, and watching the moonlight as we sipped our refreshments.

"Oops, I forgot to tell you..." Irina said, afraid as if I was going to yell at her.

Two people entered our balcony, and I didn't even have to look in order to know that it was Rocco and Ricardo.

My eyebrows furrowed in confusion and my mouth dropped open. "Are you kidding me?" I whispered through clenched teeth.

She mouthed a guilty sorry before inviting the two shirtless men into the tub. I exhaled and leaned back, accepting my fate.

"You're quiet." Rocco teased me as he wrapped his arm around Irina.

"I haven't killed anyone in a while, wanna volunteer?" I replied, rolling my eyes and looking off into the moonlight, trying not to get a glimpse of Ricardo's bare chest.

"I know, let's play a game." Rocco cheered.

"What type of game?" Irina asked.

"Truth or dare." He raised his eyebrows and smiled as if he had said the most smartest thing ever. Ricardo's stare was dry.

"Are you 13." He grumbled almost making me laugh as Rocco's face dropped.

"I'll play." Irina looked at Rocco, before Ricardo agreed too and they all turned their heads for my approval.

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