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"It's underground. She's in there." Irina said as I tried to open it.

"Why didn't we see that?" I cursed to myself as I tried to open the fucking metal vault.

"Wait, I have a gadget that can help open vaults." Irina said with excitement.

"Where is it?" Me and Rocco asked with anticipation.

"In Sicily." Her face dropped as I sighed.

"I thought you brought your tech kit with you?" I questioned her with frustration.

"How was I supposed know we were going to be opening vaults." She replied as I groaned.

"It's okay, we'll come back." Rocco shook me by the shoulders. "And we'll bring some of our men. Who knows whats down there?"

I nodded my head and we went towards the car, driving back to the hotel. I alerted my men and 6 of them were on their first flight towards Florence.

When we got back to the hotel, we waited with anticipation for my men to show up after an hour.

When they finally showed up, we all drove to the vault.

Irina got her "gadget" and tried it on the vault. Bingo. It sprung open revealing a ladder which lead downstairs.

"Get your weapons ready, we don't know what's waiting for us down there." I warned everyone and they drew their guns. I entered the vault first, going down the ladder with caution. I wasn't surprised when I realised I was in a hallway with cells surrounding it.

My eyes searched the cells frantically, but they were all empty. Irina and Rocco crept behind me, their guns drawn as they searched the area.

"Is anyone there?" Rocco shouted, as his voice echoed around the metal room which smelled like death.

"What's that?" Irina pointed towards what looked like a secret door, one that blended into the wall. I walked towards it, studying it before I pushed it.

"Locked." I groaned before Irina came in front of me and kicked it as it blasted open. She looked at me as I rolled my eyes.

But my attention was turned towards the woman inside of the room.

"Ariel?" I dashed into the room with all of my power, to see Ariel on the ground, tied to the wall with huge, thick chains that wrapped around her arms, legs and neck. My jaw clenched as I scanned her body. Her face was beaten to a pulp, she was barely recognisable. Her eyes were black and swollen shut, her lip was bruised and burst, her nose was crooked and had dried blood underneath. Her body was cut and bruised.

"Who did this to you?" I cupped her face to look at her eyes, to see confusion.

"Who are you?" She groaned, her voice raspy and quiet. Rocco and Irina unchained her, but she was too weak to move on her own.

I lifted her body in my arms, trying not to hurt her and carried her upstairs and towards the car. Everyone followed, and my men sat in their car while Irina and Rocco sat in the front of mine. Rocco started driving and Irina looked at Ariel with concern and worry.

"Ariel? Ariel who did this to you?" I shook her by the face as she lay in my arms, practically lifeless.

My blood burned with fury as I looked off in front of me in anger.

Somebody is going to answer to me. Whoever did this will pay.

"Whoever did this is digging their own grave." I said to Rocco and Irina.

"Any idea who it could be?" Rocco asked, sadness in his voice.

"No, but I'm going to find out." I growled, the beast inside of me taking control.


We were all on our jet back to Sicily, I was relieved to finally get out of Florence. I tried questioning Ariel but she was too weak to speak. I got a doctor to come with us who brought some equipment with him onto the plane.

I ran my hands through my hair and rubbed my face. I looked towards the room ok the jet that Ariel was in. I got up and walked towards the room.

"Is she okay?" I asked the doctor as I watched her sleep, needles and pipes inside her skin.

The doctor nodded, a pitying facial expression on his face. "She was badly injured. Some of the wounds she has are months old and her ribs are broken. I can't give a clear diagnostic here because it isn't a hospital." He started writing stuff down in his notepad.

"We'll get to a hospital as soon we land." I muttered, my eyes not leaving Ariel.

"About the pregnancy, I'm not sure if the baby will survive." The doctor continued.

Wait, pregnancy? Baby?

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