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I drove and I drove for miles, but no distance felt far enough from my family. I never wanted to see them again, especially my uncle.

I drove for hours, tears running down my face until I had to stop for gas. I had my wallet with me so I got out and filled the gas.

I had drove for so long, the sun was setting. I didn't even know where I was. I had a voice in my head that kept telling me to go back, to go with my family and agree with what they told me to do. But my new heart didn't agree.

I just wanted to see Ricardo, I wanted him to wrap his arms around me and tell me everything was going to be okay. I wanted to hear his familiar voice.

I then realised that they could probably track me down through my phone, and I slammed my phone on to the road, cars going over it and smashing it into pieces.

I sat back into my car and cried. I sobbed my heart out. I had never cried since I lost my parents, till I met Ricardo.

My eyes were now swollen and my face was wet with tears, as I started up the car and started driving again. It was now dark, and the motorway I was on was isolated. I felt scared, but I reminded myself that I was the worlds deadliest woman.

The black sky surrounded my car, my car that was the only one on this motorway.

I saw another car behind me, and felt slightly happy that I wasn't alone. Until the deafening shatter of glass stopped me in my tracks. I was being followed. And it didn't look too good for me. But I was trained to protect myself in these situations, and moved my car to the side, driving even faster. They kept shooting, my windows were shattered and the thick air from outside made it harder to keep my balance.

***Ricardo POV***

"I'm going to kill her with my own hands when she gets back." Chase Black said through the phone with my father.

Ariel stormed off and ran away, and it had been 15 hours since she left. The Black's left for New York today. Chase Black said that Ariel could only be found when she wants to. And he's right, I know Ariel. I know that she could disappear from this world whenever she wanted to, and nobody could find her.

But I couldn't stand the thought of her being alone somewhere in Italy. I should have stormed off with her, we should have been together.

"I'm going to find her." I said as I stood up and left my fathers office. I went and phoned Irina.


"Irina, I need you to find Ariel."

"Ricardo, you know Ariel. She probably wanted to disappear and I understand her."

"Please Irina. Help me find her. I don't want her to be alone, I want to see her."

There was a slight pause.

"Fine. I'll do it. But only because I've shipped Ric-ariel since day one."

"Thanks Irina." I shut the phone. Now all I could do was wait.

I went to my room and waited. I tried to sleep but I couldn't, not when I was without Ariel. I went to the kitchen and sat at the island. Looking around, I thought of mine and Ariel's first kiss.

The Death of Me Where stories live. Discover now