Chapter 6

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Honestly, Lily was not quite sure why she married James when he asked her. Right now she is watching her husband running around like a child who's on a sugar high. Trying to find his shoes that are in her hand after she accioed them to her; so that they could floo to St. Mungo's Hospital due to her water breaking five minutes ago. Lily has tried calling his name and waving them in his face at least three times already, however; it seems he just can not see or hear her like she is using his invisibility cloak. Finally, having enough of him running around uselessly she cast a sonorous on herself and let out a scream that would do any murder victim proud.

James stops moving as once and pulls his wand about to cast an offense spell at the sound, only to find his pregnant wife, who is in labor, holding the exact shoes he was looking for. "Darling, why did you not say anything? I have been looking for those." James says dramatically, as he lowers his wand. Lily rolls her eyes casting Quietus, to cancel the Sonorous spell. "Do not Darling me, Prongs. I have been trying to get your attention for the past five minutes. Now put your shoes on," Lily replies as she throws the shoes at James, "and meet me at St. Mungo's when you're done." and turns to the floo, saying 'St. Mungo's' as she throws down the floo powder and disappears in a chaotic burst of blue flames.

Once she arrived at the hospital it took the Medi-witches and wizards all of five minutes before she was in the birthing wing of the hospital. Breathing in and out through the pain, Lily notices that one of the Medi-witches must have called for Tom like she asked because he was standing in the doorway looking at her. "Tom," Lily says once she notices him, "glad you could make it. I wanted you to be here for her birth." Tom smiles as he walks toward the bed that his sister is sitting on. "So, you finally decided to know the gender?"

Lily laughs while shaking her head. "No, I keep telling James it is going to be a girl and he keeps saying it will be a boy. I just want a healthy baby, James just really wants a boy and I keep saying the opposite to annoy him." James took that moment to come crashing through the door, like an idiot, shouting, "So, you admit that you think it is a boy!" Lily rolls her eyes again at her husband fondly, "Did you not hear anything I said? Or just the parts you wanted to hear?" Lily gasps from the sudden pain of the contractions. "Of course I heard all of it," James replies while rushing to Lily's side, grabbing her hand, obviously worried that she is in pain. "I just want you to admit that you think it will be a boy also." A particularly strong contraction hits as Lily strangles James' hand causing him to yell out in pain. The Medi-Witches rush into the room, smiling as they see the cause of the girlish scream that they heard. "Well, it looks like we still have a little while before it is time to push."

After several hours, Lily is laying on the bed with her newborn baby all wrapped snugly in the light pink blankets the hospital provided. Medi-Witch Jones that helped Lily give birth to her precious bundle of joy, "The only thing left is to fill out her name Sweetie. Do you have any ideas or do you still need some time to think about it?" Lily stops cooing at her precious baby only to look up at Medi-Witch Jones. "Daniella Lilith Potter," Lily replies after a moment. James, who is standing next to Lily by her bed, is still smiling like a dopey idiot while cooing at his beautiful daughter. Nodding along with anything Lily says not quite sure what he is agreeing to.

                                                                              Ten months later

Lily had invited everyone close to her to meet Daniella and to name her god-father and god-mother today, the more people who care about her that are around when the oaths are taken the more magically powerful they are. Her Uncles, known as the kings, Alec, Jane, and all of the marauders see and meet her precious bundle hoping to be named a god-parent. She had even received blood from St. Mungo's for the five muggle vampire guests she would be having, not that she told James this. She had the house-elves that worked for the Potter family outside the manor to make a large dinner for the seven marauders, well eight now counting Daniella. Lily smiles thinking of all the future trouble that her little flower was going to make.

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