Escape the Night 4

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minwoo's pov

"Death is coming for you"

"You guys we have a couple of hours until we turn into setting powders"Bretman says with a slight bit of attitude causing mina to giggle a bit under her breath. Suddenly their was a sound of glass shattering, and like the smart people we are. We decided to follow the sound. Don't we just sound smart? I didn't think it was a good idea, but I followed just in case.

Alex opens a door and inside and things have...changed a bit. Their were goblets on the table, glass was shattered and an arrow impaling a chair with a note on it. Joey pulls out the arrow, as Mina pulls out the notes and opens it. "Guys, there's a letter on here"She says looking at the small piece of paper with Joey and Alex behind her examining the paper.

"Camelot has fallen and the black knight had plundered the land and murdered King Arthur. He now guards the next Jeweled Key. To defeat him you must pull Excalibur from the stone, for it is the only blade he fears. The most holy among you must kneel before the cross to know Arthur's will." Mina reads. The team decides on who is the most holy among us, Mina turns away with this look of: "yeah probably not me".

I chuckle as I saw her cling onto Alex. The group decides that Colleen was the best for to go in. Colleen walks over to the cross and kneels before the cross as a chest opens up behind us, Joey and Alex pull out a bottle of wine and a note with it. Alex reads the note.

"To find the pathway to Excalibur, fill each of the seven chalices with wine, but do not touch them yet, Once they are all filled, all touch the cross to hear the story of the Knights of Camelot. After the story, each of you must take a seat before a chalice and drink together like knights. however, listen carefully, as to chalices are cursed. the names of those who drink from them will go into the voting pile" Alex says.

Joey pours the wine in each chalice as we wait to start. I notice that four cups had the same design, probably is repeats. Should I stay away from those cups? Once he was done we all go over to the cross and touch it and suddenly a voice appears and starts talking.

"The knights of Camelot drank together in glory each from one of the seven chalices. Sir Lamorak drank from the chalice of the kings army. Sir Lancelot drank from the chalice of the talking forest....When they drank together as knights, the path was reversed, through not without a cost....So choose your chalices wisely"

The group struggled to pick a chalice as Mina goes over to one and touched it. Was Mina the only one listening? Alex grabs the same one as Mina trusting her instincts as I grab the cup that looks the same as Bretman's. We cheers and drank from the cups when both Tana and Gabbie's cup shined red meaning their names would be put into the voting poll.

Tana continued drinking hers as I chuckle, when a box opens behind Gabby. We all see it and walk over to it, inside was a map that lead to Excalibur. There was a little message saying

'Speak the chant. Before the stones'

Although it said that, none of us had a single clue of what chant it was. "It's most likely at the stones"Mina says as we head out of the room and follow the map to Excalibur. We follow Joey and Gabbie as they head onto the map towards Excalibur.

mina's pov

As we walk down the pathway we hear a horse. We stop in our tracks seeing the horse when we realize it was the black knight. I wrapped my arms around Alex's arm as we stared at the knight, "Who dares Seek the sword Excalibur?"The knight asked. "Us"Someone from our group says.

The black knight pulls out his swore telling us to leave. When we didn't move the knight got off his horse telling us he'll kill us, Alex took my hand as we started running away from the black knight. The knight tried and take me but I hit him with my sword and ran off with the group, only for Gabbie to get captured right after me.

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