Escape the Night 8

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minwoo's pov

I hid Mina behind me. Growling? Why the hell is their growling?!

Suddenly a caveman came out of nowhere we all freaked out but Colleen and Mina knew who the caveman was, telling us he was good. The caveman starts grunting at the painting of the collector as the girls communicated with the caveman. We couldn't understand him, but we followed him since Colleen and Mina followed him.

Mina looked so closed off, but it was hard to tell. I'm probably the only person I could tell that she was closed off it was probably because of Alex. We soon arrive and see all these prehistoric dinosaur bones around the room. There was a note on one of the podiums as Joey read it aloud, it said;

" The foot prints from an era time has forgotten. When matched correct we can lead you to the beginning of a new civilization."

Basically we had to match the foot prints seen on the stands to the dinosaur through the description that each dinosaur had. Fredidonaurus were known for their sharp, curled, aggressive talons. Rosanna has it as she placed it on top of that podium.

Karillopholis were known as slow moving herbivores with elephant like feet, We place the biggest foot print on that one. Next was the Saraptor, which was fast and agile, Joey puts a non-three toe fossil on their and then we move on to the Copyldactyl.

The description didn't match the last one we had so we swapped the first and last ones as something opens. I looked at Mina who wasn't fully their, She was kind of in her own head. I guided Mina to the group as she watched quietly. Inside the hidden cabinet was an egg and a clue. The caveman got really excited as Colleen read the note, It said:

" The egg of civilization must be taken to the sacred hollow for life to continue in the prehistoric world on the brink of extinction. Venture into the valley of lost souls to find the animal totems needed to awaken the hollow. Be careful, the one who carries the egg will be hunted and passing it back and forth might be the only way to survive. if one of you is caught with it, or fails to protect it, you'll be forced into the final challenge with no vote."

Mina looks at me and I nod, Mina nods as well. Okay, Mina wasn't totally gone just having a moment. I know Mina will work hard to get back into the swing, She may have lost Alex but...She would rather fight till the end then mope around about her boyfriends's death.

The caveman shows us the way to the valley of lost souls as Mina prepares herself emotionally, physically, and mentally. We follow this cavemen into this rocky, dirty area which is most likely the prehistoric exhibit.

mina's pov

As we walked into the prehistoric exhibit, my mind wasn't totally there at the time. Everything kept piling in my head and I just didn't know what to do, but I knew that I had to be strong for everyone that died and for us. All of a sudden I hear screeching behind us, "We gotta run!"I yell as the group starts running away from two raptors. We run up the hill as the raptors stopped following us, for now.

The caveman leads us to his house as I held onto the egg. He gives us a bunch of bones and flowers when a Bretman finds a clue, "Complete the cavemen's painting"Bretman read as we noticed the paintings a

We try and figure out what we need to do, Bretman, Minwoo and I look at the egg. "The egg"We say, "They need to be holding an egg in the painting"I say as Bretman paints the egg onto the painting. We get to the next one and basically we were playing charades with a caveman trying to figure out what we needed on the painting.

Rosanna drew in a raptor as we finally completed the caveman's paintings. Suddenly a green light appears, we run over to it and Joey pulls out a rod and note. In the note, it says we need to find three animal totems. Two we use with the rod like a metal detector but the last one was in the dinosaurs den. We split up into two teams, I go with Colleen and Bretman while Minwoo heads off with Rosanna and Joey.

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