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It was 11 AM and Agnetha had just showered. She had helped Linda pack again all morning to prepare her back for boarding school for the following day now that the new semester was set to begin.

It was a rough mission to carry on her shoulders having two children around, and a stomach constantly growing. The things she could do and things she could eat were limited and she worried that her actions would be noticed. Agnetha made sure to wear extra baggy clothes near her daughter, and even more, put herself into scenarios which helped her shield the bulge in her belly. A blanket always sheltered her while lounging around, a poncho was always over her shoulders, and her shirts always loose-fitted. Items were casually always held up to cover her stomach– the lids to laundry baskets, boxes, or books.

Linda had surely noticed her strange style, and commented on how hideous it looked by opinion. Her mother had a nice body, but everything she always wore never complimented it. Agnetha tried her best to ignore her daughter for the sake of her circumstances, and explained she would understand when she is older. It's simply a trend and that was the reason.

"Mama!" Linda called from down the hall. It took three hollers to her mother before she thought to herself that it couldn't be. Her mother was too young to begin going deaf. "Mom!" Linda shook the handle of her mother's door in an attempt to open it, but was surprised to see it locked.

"One minute, Linda. I'm changing." Her daughter's temper shot back down, finding it strange her mom had suddenly gained the habit of locking her door when she changes. It wasn't the first occasion, nor ever in their norms to be ashamed of one another. They had changed together all their lives. She didn't fret about it more than that, but had they grown apart so much?

The woman in her undergarments threw on a shirt and maternity leggings before hurrying to her daughter. She caught sight of the poncho and cursed it because she was already sweating from a hot shower.

"Yes, Linda?" Agnetha opened the door, nearly breathless. "Did you need something?"

"There's a shirt I need for school. I can't find it..." Agnetha walked down the hall to her daughter's bedroom, which wasn't completely personalized because of the move, and due to her daughter being gone. "Did you put it in the wash?"

"I put a lot of your things in there, darling, I'll check. Let me finish getting my hair dried and I'll help you finish."

Agnetha returned to her bedroom, and then the bathroom, blow drying her short hair, and then completing her routine with her make up. Her face looked restless and puffy and the more she looked at herself in the mirror, the more she depressed herself. Her body was changing, her face was aging, and she didn't feel comfortable in her own body anymore. It was all worth it the moment she felt her move again. She smiled to herself, knowing she couldn't trade the feeling of being a mother for any other feeling.

"Take it gentle on me, little one. If you turn out like your brother, you'll be the death of me, absolutely," she chuckled to herself.

Noises began rising from the lower floor and it distracted Agnetha from any other thought. Has someone come?

"Papa!" the kids were yelping their happiness and Agnetha's cheeks blushed to herself, recalling how calm they were over the phone a few days ago. She had missed him, and she was happy to hear that he had come. Agnetha caught her girlish smile in the mirror and cleared her throat, immediately wiping away that she would ever act this way. She parted the bangs over her forehead and opened the door.

She carefully took her steps down the stairs, picking up Christian's abandoned Gameboy along the way. She saw Emma in Linda's arms as they spun around, excitedly talking about how much Emma was ready to see the horses.

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