Final Chapter: Last Story

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Tracey: Who's the real evil?! Who locked you up here for trying to conquer the world?!

Eggman and Team Rocket: It was...

Abra: ...(I knew my visions were right!)

???: Heh heh heh heh heh... All living things kneel before your master!

Ash: What's going on with that guy?!

Misty: It's changing!

Raichu: What is that thing?!

Meowth: It's Metal Sonic! He's in his true form!

Sonic: My metallic counterpart?!

Glameow: I think he scanned our data with the power of Chaos and is super strong!

Kadabra: We can't defeat that thing! We would need the 7 Chaos Emeralds!

Cream: I have one!

Big: Me too!

Rouge: Me three!

Omega: Me four!

Espio: Me five!

Charmy: Me six!

Alakazam: Our power is still weak even with the Chaos Emeralds! We need a miracle!

Sonic: Leave it to me, Alakazam! You guys get outta here.

Misty: Uh uh. We're going with you. Sonic, you're never alone cause you have all of us. And Ash is never alone cause he's got... me.

Tails: Well said. I'm coming too!

Knuckles: Count me in!

Raichu: Here's how we're gonna do this! Team Dark, Rose and Chaotix! We'll distract Metal Sonic to buy you some time...

Shadow: That way you can use your super powers.

Sonic: OK then, let's do this thing! We'll show that creep the REAL SUPER POWER of TEAMWORK!

Ash: Say it with me, Pokémon Power!

Everyone: Pokémon Power!

Team Rose: Team Sonic, you can do this!

Team Dark: We're counting on you guys!

Team Chaotix: You must stop Metal Sonic!

Sonic: It's time...

Tails: destroy...

Knuckles: ...Metal Sonic...

Ash: ...Team Sonic style!

Pikachu: We can do this!

Metal Sonic: It's no use... but why can't I defeat you?

Pikachu: Wanna know why? Because...

Sonic: It's because we're... Sonic Heroes!

Amy: Sonic!!

Pikachu: We could always go for a rematch anytime!

Sonic: We'll be waiting!

Tails: Sonic, Ash, Pikachu, wait up!

Amy: Sorry to leave you like this, but I can't let MY Sonic get away!

Team Rose: Good luck, Amy! Bye bye!

Knuckles: Sonic sure has his hands full.

Rouge: I guess I'm outta here too.

Glameow: We're going to go hunt for somebody else's treasure.

Knuckles: They just don't give up, do they? Oh no you don't! WAIT!

Abra: ...(Guess it's case closed for us!)

Charmy: But what about our money?

Vector: Oh man I almost forgotten... You slime balls!

Alakazam: I got this! Psychic!

Jessie: Why didn't we pay them for the missions?

Meowth: We did get rid of Metal Sonic.

James: That's good for us.

Wobbuffet: WOBBUFFET!


Wobbuffet: WOBBUFFET!

Ash: We did it guys!

Sonic: Looks like our next adventure awaits us so there's no time to waste!

Team Sonic: We are SONIC HEROES!

The End

I hope you enjoyed the story and have a wonderful day folks!

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