Part 1

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It was a normal winter morning. Wake up, get dressed, get coffee, go to class.

At least it was, until Hongjoong remembered he had to stop by the library to get a book before class started.

"Shit..." He muttered as he scrambled to get his things together. If he didn't hurry then he wouldn't have time for coffee and lord only knows what would happen then.

Hongjoong sprinted out of his dorm and ran straight for the public library down the street, the cold air freezing his lungs.

Breathing heavily, he opened the large glass doors and walked inside. The warmth of the library made him sigh as he took off his gloves and stuffed them into the pockets of his fluffy white coat.

He headed straight for the section titled "Modern Art". Hongjoong was an art student in university, and needed this book for one of his classes that day. A book which he just so conveniently didn't own.

"Let's see... M... N... O... P! Here we go...." Hongjoong said quietly to himself while scanning the shelf. But once he saw the title he was looking for, his momentary triumph disappeared. Because the book just happened to be one shelf above Hongjoong's skill level when it came to reaching for things.

Why did they have to make these shelves so high up? Hongjoong thought, frustrated that the tips of his fingers just barely brushed the base of the book's spine.

"You know, there are step ladders." A voice said from behind him.

"I would rather die than—" Hongjoong turned around and immediately shut up. Behind him stood a young, tall man with blonde hair that was parted on the side and loosely swept back.

He was wearing what looked like a black knitted sweater underneath his long light brown coat.

He was easily the most handsome man he had ever seen, Hongjoong concluded.

"You would rather die than what?" The stranger asked, raising his eyebrows.

"Nevermind." Hongjoong said, shuffling his feet in embarrassment.

The man stepped right around Hongjoong and took the book he was trying to reach down from the shelf.

"Here you go." He said, handing him the book.

"You didn't have to do that." Hongjoong said, admiring the man's hands as he took the book. Seriously how the heck could one person be this attractive?

"You seemed hell bent on not using a ladder, and I thought I'd step in before you resorted to climbing the shelves." The man said with a smirk.

Hongjoong's eyebrows narrowed.

"Are you trying to mock me or something?" He asked. Hongjoong hadn't had his coffee yet and it was beginning to show.

"What? Of course not. It was a joke—" the man said, holding his hands up in front of him.

"So my height is a joke to you? Is that what you're saying?" Hongjoong forced back. The man's eyes widened.

"Maybe you should calm down a bit—"

"Screw that, I'm out." Hongjoong turned around and started walking away.

"Wait I'm sorry—" the man started saying, catching Hongjoong's wrist. But before he could finish, Hongjoong grabbed the nearest book he could reach and hurled it at the man, hitting him right in the side of the head.

He let go of Hongjoong and clutched his head where the book had hit him.

Hongjoong didn't have time to feel bad as he swiftly went to the front desk and checked out the book.

He checked his watch. Seven minutes till class. No time for coffee.

Damn it. Oh well, he'd just have to live with it. Maybe he could grab something from a vending machine.

The rest of the day went on like normal. Only Hongjoong couldn't stop thinking about the handsome man from the library, and how he had been a complete asshole to the man. He had only tried to help and had meant no harm.

And Hongjoong had thrown a book at his head.

He hid his face in his textbook as the professor gave his lecture, silently scolding himself.

Oh well, it was a big city after all. He'd probably never see the man again.

At least, that's what Hongjoong thought.


Ok wow I'm doing another Seongjoong fic. I hope you enjoy it as much as my last one, and know that I'm going to try to work one some other stories as well.

Thanks for reading!

- Baby_5hark

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