Part 4

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Days went by, and Hongjoong was starting to make a habit of going to the coffee shop every morning, then afterwards he'd go to the library to study. There definitely weren't any ulterior motives. 

Definitely not.

But surprisingly, Seonghwa had started expecting him. The day before, Hongjoong had walked in, and found his drink already made. Same with today.

"Have a nice day!" Seonghwa said cheerfully as Hongjoong left. He waved goodbye.

Hongjoong sighed as he walked to class. Seonghwa had looked handsome today. Well actually, he looked good every day.

Hongjoong couldn't deny that he was definitely attracted to the man. But even though he saw him every day now, they had only ever talked. As friends. Never once had Hongjoong even thought about flirting, or seeing if Seonghwa was in a relationship.

"I am a coward." Hongjoong scolded himself, wrapping his scarf tighter around himself to protect his face from the cold air.

"Why are you a coward?" Hongjoong's friend, San, said. They were currently sitting on a bench outside during their lunch break.

"Because there's this really cute guy and I can't seem to do anything other than just talk about the most mundane things!" Hongjoong groaned, flopping dramatically on San's lap. His friend laughed and patted his head.

"Ah, romance issues. I can't say I'm surprised. You've barely ever been interested in someone before, so you have no experience. Don't feel too bad." San told him.

"San you don't understand. This guy is literally perfect." Hongjoong said, staring up at his friend.

"Where did you meet him?" He asked.

"The library, but he also works at the coffee shop down the street." Hongjoong replied.

San then said something which caught Hongjoong off guard completely.

"I'll go with you tomorrow. I'm curious as to how perfect this guy actually is."

Hongjoong gaped at him.

"Are you serious? You'll help me?" He asked San, his eyes were wide like a little puppy.

"I'm just going to see if this guy is good enough for you." San said, grinning at Hongjoong.

"Alright Hongjoong! Let's go!" San said, waking Hongjoong up not a minute too early, or late.

"You're too excited at this time in the morning." Hongjoong grumbled.

"No, you're just too grumpy all the time." San said, totally calling him out. Hongjoong didn't say anything because he knew San had been right.

Together the two of them walked down to the shop, and walked inside.

"Wow this place is nice!" San said, enthusiastically shaking Hongjoong's shoulder as he looked around.

"San, this is why I don't take you anywhere." Hongjoong sighed as he shook San's hand off and went to the counter to greet Seonghwa while San trailed behind him, taking in his surroundings.

"You brought a friend today." Seonghwa observed, glancing at San.

"Nope. Don't know him." Hongjoong said. San bounced over and threw an arm around him.

"Ouch Joongie, that stings." San said, dramatically placing his other hand over his heart. Hongjoong rolled his eyes.

"Joongie?" Seonghwa raised his eyebrows.

"Coffee. Please." Hongjoong said, hiding his red face with his hands.

"I figured. And your friend?" Seonghwa smiled at San, who returned it. Hongjoong felt a pang of jealousy.

"A cookie." Hongjoong said flatly. San sighed and shrugged.

"I'll go get a table." He said and walked off.

"He seems nice." Seonghwa commented as he rang him up.

"He's a bit too nice sometimes. But honestly I don't know what I'd do without him." Hongjoong said, watching his friend find a table by a window and sit down. San noticed them looking at him and winked, grinning.

"San I swear to god..." Hongjoong grimaced.

"You... are friends right?" Seonghwa asked suddenly, keeping his eyes on the register in front of him.

"Yeah? Why?" Hongjoong asked, confused. Did he come off a bit strong in telling San off? Did Seonghwa think he was a jerk!? Why, god. Why. Hongjoong thought, crying inside.

"No reason. Will I see you later?" Seonghwa asked as Hongjoong put his wallet back in his pocket.

"Yeah, the professor assigned some new material so I'll have to study today too." Hongjoong said nonchalantly. Not entirely a lie.

"Well, enjoy your coffee." Seonghwa said with a smile. Hongjoong gave a small one back and picked up his drink and San's cookie.

When he reached their table, San gestured for Hongjoong to hurry up.

"So, was that the guy?" He asked. Hongjoong nodded.

They looked over when the door opened to see a pretty young woman walk in. She said something to Seonghwa who awkwardly declined whatever offer she had given him. He noticed them looking and gave them a little wave.

"He seems nice." San concluded, taking a bit out of his cookie. His eyes lit up.

"He is nice, San." Hongjoong corrected him.

"Yeah, sorry bro. You need to step up your game or it's game over." San said.

"I don't know what that means." Hongjoong told him seriously. But it probably didn't mean anything good.

"It means you probably won't have a chance unless you start trying." He told Hongjoong.

Hongjoong looked at Seonghwa who seemed to be writing something.

San was right. Hongjoong really did need to step up his game. Or maybe, he just needed to give up. Not the best mentality, but it was the easiest one.

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