Part 6

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"So? Any progress with Mr. Perfect?" San asked during their lunch break that day. Yunho was with them this time as well.

    "Wait, what? Who's that?" Yunho asked, confused. Hongjoong remembered that he hadn't told him about Seonghwa yet.

    "Just this one guy who hyung is totally head over heels for. Honestly, I don't blame him. The guy is practically perfect." San explained. Well, it saved Hongjoong an explanation, but he wouldn't have said he was head over heels.

    "Wow, really? Wait but you went on that date yesterday!" Yunho said, looking at Hongjoong with a confused expression.

    "Hongjoong went on a date!? With who?" San asked, not even bothering to hide his tone of surprise.

    "Baekho." Yunho told him.

    "Oh my god. Why?" San and Yunho were starting to get on Hongjoong's nerves.

    "Guys, I'm right here. Stop cutting me out of the conversation." Hongjoong barked, and the other two immediately calmed down.

    "Basically I decided that I didn't have much of a chance with the guy, so I tried going out with someone else to try to get my mind off of him. Baekho was the easiest option, so I went with it. He turned out to be kind of a jerk though, but I managed to get away from him so it's all good now." Hongjoong explained to the both of them.

    "Dating to forget? How bold hyung." Yunho said, wiggling his eyebrows.

    "Wait, you said you managed to get away? What does that mean?" San seemed more confused than anything.

    "He was being pushy, but luckily we were right in front of the library so one of the employees came to help." Hongjoong didn't want to say who that employee was, yet.

    "I told you to run." Yunho said flatly, and Hongjoong rolled his eyes.

    "I did." He replied.

    "Enough about that though, tell us more about prince charming! Specifically me, since you've apparently told San everything already. I'm hurt." Yunho pouted and San laughed. Truth was, Hongjoong hadn't told them everything. He hadn't mentioned that Seonghwa worked at the library where he went every day after classes ended.

    Well, he may as well tell them everything now.

    "He works at that coffee shop I go to every morning. And at the library where I go after school." Hongjoong started.

    "Ohoho so the library too eh?" San cut in, with a smirk on his face. Hongjoong swatted his head.

    "I met him at the library one morning when he wasn't working and threw a book at his head. Then the next day I saw him at the coffee shop and he apologized to me! I think that's what first got me thinking. After school when I went to return my book, I found out he worked at the library. I kinda started to study there ever since--"

    "Pause!" Yunho exclaimed, throwing his hand over Hongjoong's mouth.

    "You did what now?" He asked. Hongjoong narrowed his eyes.

    "I did a lot of things." He told him.

    "Hyung. You threw a book? At his head!?" San's eyes were wide and he looked like he was trying desperately not to laugh.

    "Yes but that's not the point." Hongjoong waved him off.

    "You really-- ok whatever. Continue." Yunho sighed.

    "Ok, so basically he remembers my order and has it ready for me every day at the shop when I come in. Today though, he gave me a blueberry muffin too. On the house." Hongjoong told them.

    "You love muffins! How did he know?" San asked, grinning.

    "I told him last night after he gave Baekho a concussion via Shakespeare." Hongjoong explained.

    "Wait. What?" Yunho was lost. Hongjoong could see it in the blank stare he was giving.

    "We were in front of the library and Baekho wasn't letting me go, and Seonghwa's shift had just ended. So he happened to come out and see us struggling and threw his heavy ass Shakespeare book at Baekho's head and we escaped." Hongjoong said, taking a sip of his water.

    "Hyung. You might actually have a chance." San said, still smiling.

    "What do you mean? You said it yourself that I'm hopeless." Hongjoong frowned.

    "He memorized your order and has it ready for you every day, he beat up a bad date for you, and remembered that you like muffins and gave you one, for free, the next morning." He explained to Hongjoong.

    "You don't get it. He's just nice." Hongjoong said, leaning his head on the table with a sigh.

    "That goes a bit beyond being nice." Yunho said and he and San exchanged a look before San's phone buzzed. He looked at it.

    "That's my boyfriend calling. Gotta run!" He and Yunho shared one last sneaky glance before San ran off into the distance.

    "Oh yeah, How's Mingi these days?" Hongjoong asked Yunho.

    "He's good. Absolutely swamped with studying though." He replied.

    "Anyways, I should get going too. See you hyung." Yunho waved as he stood up and left.

    Did Hongjoong really have a chance? He thought about it.

    No, Seonghwa probably only thought of him as a friend.

Or did he?

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