Time's Up

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I don't see Ethos for weeks. I knew his reputation was important to him, but I didn't think it was so important to him that it would keep him from me for so long. I understand his need to pay me. He wants to be in control of what happened. He wants to restore his dominance.

But it's so much like all the other cheaters I've ever known that it makes my stomach turn. I don't need him to prove himself. I just need him with me.

If I weren't so aware of my deal with Hades, if it didn't shake me to my bones every time I thought about it, I might have forgotten about it. Every day I expect the god of the underworld to call me. But every day, he doesn't.

I haunt Apollo's Cellar in the hopes that Ethos will return. When he does, I know it will be to here. I know it will.

It's been two months, and I adjust my necklace in the dirty window before pushing open the door to the Cellar. There's a lot of new faces in the crowd- a caravan travelling through, I assume- which means a lot of new purses to pilfer. I'm halfway to the counter when I spot him.

He's not staring into space, though. He's smiling. That sweet, heavenly smile.

Ethos has come back to me.

I feel my face getting warm, and I turn around, planning what to say to him. I'll walk up to him, pretend I don't know him. Like he's just another paying customer. He'll play along, until we can't resist it anymore, and he'll kiss me.

I take a breath and turn to walk to him.

But I see another woman at his side, caressing his arm, whispering into his ear. She kisses him lightly, and when she walks away, he clings to her hand a second too long, wanting her to stay.

He doesn't look at me.

My blood feels cold. There's a shiver going up my spine, and I think it's just my emotions until I hear a low voice in my ear.

"It hurts, doesn't it."

I tense at the voice. I don't need to see him to know who it is.

"Now about our little thirty-year deal."

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