[Chapter one (1)] (I'm Y/N L/N!)

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{Y/N's POV}:


  All I could remember when I was little was that... my mother brushing my hair, she'd always say something important to me. I never remembered though. I don't even remember her face.. Or her voice... I set the memory aside when it bothers me. Well looks like my day is going to start.










  Hi there! I'm Y/N L/N, I'm twelve years old, I'm just your everyday-girl. I like particular things and I dislike certain things. I don't really have a family... but I get along just fine. I live alone in an apartment and yeah!


{Reader's POV}:


  You were running as fast as you can to the academy, thinking, Oh noo! I'm gonna be late! You dashed on top of buildings, parkouring when you suddenly ran into someone! "Oof!" You'd almost hit the ground with your rear end when someone caught your hand.


  "You should watch where you're going." A voice warned. You look up to see the owner of the voice. A handsome male with white-blue hair, he had beautiful golden eyes and wore a loose-fitting two-toned light and dark blue kimono shirt with billowing, overlong sleeves, tied by a thick khaki-grey Ono-stylised belt, and a pair of navy pants. Your cat-ears shot up upward.


  "Oh uh, sorry! Thanks for saving me there, I'll be more careful next time, very sorry!" You responded.


"You're welcome." He replied.


  After the encounter with the male you just bumped into, you guys separated as he went to go do his own business. You continued to dash forward to the academy. You panted as you reached your destination. You were just about to open your classroom's door when the door itself opens.


  "Ah, you're here! I was worried you weren't gonna come." A tall man wearing a flak jacket with two bug-like emblems on the neck, and a full-body suit underneath, spoke. "You're Y/N L/N, right?"


"Yeah, sorry I'm late." You mumbled.


  "Don't worry! You're new to this anyway, you'll get used to it." He reassured you. "Oh and I'm Shino Aburame, by the way. Call me Shino-sensei though." You nodded and entered the classroom.


  "Class! I would like you to meet our new student, Y/N L/N!" The teacher announced. The class quickly turned their attention to you as their conversations were put to an end. Some of them were shocked to hear that you were from the L/N clan because you were the last of your clan.


  "Why don't you tell us more about you?" Shino Sensei whispered in your ear. Your body froze as nervousness took over you.


  "I-I'm tw-twelve years o-old and I-I-I lik-like pa-particu-" you were cut off by a yawn, you looked around to see who yawned and realized the yawn came from an older looking-boy. He seemed older than the others. You inhaled and exhaled, your confidence built up as you continue to speak. "I'm Y/N L/N, I'm twelve years old and I enjoy reading, peace, and quietness. I don't have any certain dislikes in particular. I hope we become good friends, that's all."


  Your eyes wander around the classroom, none seem recognizing except for one. You were shocked to see the boy from earlier with the white-blue hair and golden eyes that you bumped into.


"You may sit next to Chō-Chō Akimichi," He murmured to you, "raise your hand Chō-Chō."


  A girl with a dark skin with amber-e/c. She had brown hair, which she styled in two spiky ponytails. The rest of her hair is left hanging down behind her back, with her bangs hanging over her left eye raised her hand. You made your way to her and sat down next to her. "Hi Y/N! Do you want any potato chips?" Chō-Chō asked as she held up three bags of chips. You gave an awkward laugh and thanked and declined her offer.


At the end of the day. You walked back home. Your cat-ears flopped frontward as you sighed.


"Y/N!" You heard your name being called so you turned around to see Chō-Chō.




  "Give me.. a.. second..." Chō-Chō seemed busy panting so you decided to wait for her. "Alright-" Chō-Chō then grabbed your hand, leading you somewhere.


"Ah! Chō-Chō! Wh-where are we going?" You stammer a bit.


"We're gonna go meet up with some friends!"

Mitsuki's Moonlight (Mitsuki x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now