Chapter five

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Betty stared up at her ceiling, her dormmates - Jasmine Peirce, Chloe Fortescue, and Emma Vance- were all asleep. She loved her roommates, even if they were mudbloods and blood traitors, she thought they were the most beautiful girls to exist.

Jasmine muggle-born and was very much a stereotypical Hufflepuff, her quarter of the room was covered in photos, blankets, and plants, she was almost always smiling, crazy optimistic and was always honest with how she felt, never hiding it, something Betty was immensely jealous of, she was easy to be friends with, and was the kindest person Betty knew, she never gossiped or said anything remotely mean, someone people were cold to her since 'Nobody could actually be that nice' but she was. Jasmine had been crushing on Preston Fawly - a Ravenclaw boy in their year - since third year, and ever loyal to her crush, refused to date another boy. She always wore her caramel hair in two ponytails and rarely wore makeup, fashion, and style-wise she was definitely childish, usually only using mascara to make her blue eyes pop and wearing bright clothes, so everyone could tell how she was feeling is what Jasmine always said.  

Chloe Fortescue was a pureblood and Alice's sister, The two were in the same year since there was only ten months between them and the only difference between the two was their hair length, Alice kept her dark waves short while Chloe would cry whenever her hair needed a trim. Chloe was a complete dork, she was almost always blushing and gushed over the tiniest things and seemed to forget the big things. She only wore a light foundation in hopes of hiding her blushing - it never worked - and said she lived for baggy sweaters, her sweaters were the reason all her cloaks were multiple sizes too large. She would constantly be looking for small details in things to the point her roommates didn't even bat an eyelid when they had to move her out of the way of a knight in amour or stop her from falling off a moving staircase. Chloe and Emmaline had no interest in dating, both saying they'd live together forever, everyone knew the two were in a relationship, they hid it so they could stay in the same dorm though, not that Professor Sprout would make them move dorms.

And finally Emmaline, nobody thought she should be a Hufflepuff when they saw her, her hair was an obviously unnatural red and her grey eyes were always outlined with thick eyeliner, she often drew hearts on her cheeks with eyeliner and covered her freckles with foundation. She was the tallest of the group and incredibly lanky, her legs seemed to go on forever and she often had to duck in shorter doorways, she tried to act tough and she could be a right horror if you messed with her friends, but usually she was a huge softie who always insisted on baking everyone treats so nobody would be left out and told silly stories to the frightened or homesick firsties. 

The girls, while Betty wasn't as close to them as she was the marauders, often chatted through the night, or until Emmaline told them to go to bed, and the other three had all been worried sick when she snuck out in first year to sneak into the Slytherin common room. Every night the four girls would all have hot chocolate and talk about how their day went, Betty knew she'd do anything to protect the three girls, so she always stayed up until the three had fallen asleep and then made sure they were tucked in properly, and if Jasmine's stuffed teddy bear had fallen off the bed, Betty made sure to suck it into the girl's arms.

Betty was often classed as the 'black sheep' of Hufflepuff, however, anyone who knew her, knew she was 100% Hufflepuff, she was always honest, the only thing she lied about was how she was, always putting others before her, making sure nobody was worried about her. She always knew how to cheer her friends up and would always lecture the Marauders when they went too far. She was closed off and wasn't a ray of sunshine, she was sarcastic and always had a sharp comeback on her tongue, outside the Marauders, her biggest reactions were a raised eyebrow and a smirk, but she was definitely in the right house.

Betty had done her nightly ritual of checking on the girls and tucking them in properly, she'd tucked Jasmine's bear in three times already as the girl was probably the most active sleeper she ever knew, she had tidied the dorm and had replaced Emmaline's empty concealer with a full one (whenever Emmaline asked who had replaced it Betty would always keep a poker face, knowing the girl would insist on paying her back)

Betty couldn't sleep

She felt embarrassed that she had fallen apart in front of James like that, she had basically stripped her emotions nude and stood in front of him. Her mind was racing with scenarios where he told everyone and made fun of her, or started to treat her like a fragile doll that would break. Logically, she knew James would never do anything but try to help, her brain refused to listen to reason though. Finally pushing her duvet (which was incredibly warm, soft, and fuzzy) off, she once again tucked Jasmine's bear into her arms again, to which the girl responded with cuddling into the bear, and quietly walked out of the dorm into the common room.

Betty adored the common room, one wall was covered in rose vines, and it never seemed cramped or stuffie, some drawings students had done were hung up proudly on the wall and the fireplace warmed the entire room, on top of the fireplace mantel were planted with little figurines kids had placed there and a Hufflepuff banner was hanging over the fireplace. The walls were a very light yellow and the roof always showed a peaceful day or night, the room felted homely and lived in, with many mustard-colored, over-stuffed chairs with soft fabric that allowed you to melt into and same style couches. There were a group of couches around the fireplace and one on the back wall looking directly at the fireplace, along with a couple of groups of stuffed chairs around tables, there were cozy brown knitted blankets that you could curl into and there were a few unfinished tasks on the tables that whatever student hadn't finished yet.

Betty sunk into a stuffed chair, pulling a blanket around her and stared into the fireplace, she wasn't sure how long she sat there in the dark, however, her craving for a cigarette snapped her out of her, almost dissociative state, but she refused to smoke in the cozy common room, so instead she crept back up to her dorm, pulled on her bed socks, grabbed her ciggies and wand, once again tucked Jasmines bear in her arms, and crept out of the dorm and common room, the blanket still wrapped around her.

She wasn't sure where she was heading until she found herself at the astronomy tower, wrapping her blanket tighter around her, she lit her cigarette and lent against the edge of the astronomy tower gazing at the stars, easily being able to name the constellations and names of stars, the warm smoke, filled and hugged her lungs. She knew it was a bad habit, but it wasn't like it was illegal, sure it was banned in school but becoming an illegal animagi was way worse than breaking a rule.

Silklop, that was her nickname, often changed to silk or silky. Her animagi was a lop-eared bunny, she loved it, it's been a year since she became an animagi and she found slight changes to her personality, she could now 'twitch' her nose in human form, and did it subconsciously and she found being around people a lot easier, before she liked the idea of being around people but always found the actual doing it was too daunting and often lead to a panic attack, affection also became easier and she became more slightly more playful. In her animagus form, she was a blonde-ish color with super soft fur and she was almost 100% more affectionate and playful than her human form, she would constantly cuddle up to the boys and hop around and jump off things.

She knew the others were also affected by their animgus' James becoming even more athletic, more graceful and having unlimited stamina, Sirius' laugh was more bark-like, and he became very social, he often annoyed James and Peter by announcing that someone had arrived until they acknowledged him and often ran around like the idiot he was, Peter, while still shy, became more social and happy, and more stubborn.

Her cigerette now finished, she stomped it out and made sure any smell didn't cling to the blanket, then slowly trailed her way back to her dorm, she folded the blanket on the chair and walked up to her dorm. Once there, she looked at the three girls with a fond smile on her face, once again picked up Jasmine's teddy, and made sure the three girls were tucked in, before curling up under her covers, and closing her eyes, imagining different pranks the marauders could do until she unknowingly fell asleep.

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