Chapter Three

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Lily Evans, Annmarie Shipley, and Emily Adams had been best friends since day one of Hogwarts. At first glance, they all seemed so different from each other that it seemed nearly impossible for them to be in the same room with each other, let alone be best friends, but they were, and they knew that they always would be.

Lily Evans had long, beautiful red hair that reached her mid-back and emerald green eyes that could captivate nearly anyone. Annmarie was shorter than Lily, with honey gold hair and grey eyes that were usually hidden by glasses. Ebony was the tallest of the three and had caramel skin, curly brown hair that and brown eyes that were currently lined with black eyeliner. Needless to say, the three were the most gorgeous girls in Hogwarts and were loved by nearly everyone- four boys in particular. The three friends were currently sitting in a circle on the floor of their compartment, laughing and chatting merrily after an entire summer of being apart. Lily on Ebony's lap

"Lily, I'm begging you, PLEASE tell me you didn't read through half of our school books already" Ebony said dramatically, looking at her pleadingly, tanned arms around the pale girl's waist.

Lily looked affronted and brushed her long hair over her shoulder and said, "I didn't."

"Oh, thank Merlin. I was really going to start worrying about you then—" But Ebony cut herself off when she saw Lily start to grin slyly. "Uh-oh... What?"

"I read through all of them." Lily finished happily, giggling as she saw Ebony dramatically roll her eyes

Ebony groaned and fake sobbed into Lily's shoulder while Lily and Annmarie started laughing.

"Honestly, babygirl" Ebony said, her voice muffled by the, now blushing, girls shoulder. She looked up and continued, "That's unorthodox -"

"Wow, Ebs!" Annmarie exclaimed in mock surprise, cutting her off "You used a big word! Congratulations!"

Lily giggled and said, "Don't go congratulating her yet, Ann, be sure she knows what it means first."

Ebony glowered at them for a minute and said with an exaggerated pout, "Sheesh, only been back a couple of hours and you're already making fun of me."

At this both Lily and Annmarie started laughing anew, and shaking her head slightly still giggling, lily pressed her lips to the taller girls cheek "Awww, Ebby, you know I love you."

Ebony sighed and patted Lily's head as she said, "Yes, yes, darling, I know. And I love you too." She then grinned mischievously, picking the redhead up bridal style before leaning in and dramatically kissing her, causing Annmarie to fake gag.

In the wizarding world, same-sex dating, or marriage was never really questioned, thanks to magic anybody of any gender could get anybody pregnant, normally the submissive one in the relationship getting pregnant, so nobody really bat an eye. The same thing went with people who were transgender, magic made anything possible, if someone could turn into an animal, it wasn't a big deal if someone identified as LGBT.

"you guys are disgustingly cute," Annmarie groaned, causing the two girls to giggle. Ebony placing lily on the seat and sitting next to her, allowing her to cuddle into her side. "but more importantly, did you guys see the Marauders on the platform?"

Lily groaned and pulled a disgusted face as Ebony said, "Oh, really Annie don't remind her."

"You know, Lily, I will honestly never understand why you don't like them. they're smart, funny, amazingly good looking—"

"Arrogant, pig-headed, self- centered—"

Annmarie ignored her, instead continuing her point. "Did you see Peter this year? I mean James is obviously in love with Betty, and Remus and Sirius are so painfully into each other, why nobody in the group makes their love interest known I will never know, but I've always thought of Peter as, well... anyway, this year tho, oh my god, he's still not as tall as the others but he has an ... whats the word ... an underdog charm to him? you know? I never thought I'd find him attractive but, here we are,"

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