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Jimin's pov

After we eat the ice cream we went to an arcade. 

"Let's play laser tag!" tae suggested. 

"Yes let's split team because we have eight people," namjoon hyung said. 

"Yeah that's a good idea," yoongi hyung agreed. 

"Okay let's decide the team. So there're going to four team, each team two people. The winner team is going to get treat by all of us," namjoon hyung explained. 

"Okay!" we all shouted. 

"Okay now we'll draw to find out our partners," namjoon hyung said and put some colored sticks on a bag. Then we put our hand in it and grab one of the sticks. 

"Hey I got red y'all," taehyung yelled. 

"I got red too!!" jungkook jump on him and they both cheering. 

"I got green," namjoon hyung said while holding his stick. 

"Me too," yoongi hyung showed us his stick. 

"I got the yellow one," hobi hung and jin hung said at the same time. 

"So that means," when I was about to finish my word y/n cut me off. "We're on the same team," she said while looking at me. 

"Yeah isn't that nice?" I asked her. She only smiled shyly. 

"I take that as a yes," I chuckled at her. 

"Let's get it!!" jungkook yelled. 

"YEAH!!" we all shouted. 

We grab the equipments and get prepared. After that we find a spot to hide. 

"Game starting in 1..2..3.. Go!" the computer said and we holding our laser guns. 

"Y/n I'll protect you," I said to her. 

"It's okay I like playing this game let's protect each other," she told me. For the first time she seems more confident. 

"Okay," I whispered. 

Namjoon's pov

"Yoongi let's run and search for them then we shoot them down," I told him the plan and we run. 

"There's jungkook's butt," I told him. He squinted his eyes and looking at it. 

"I don't think so. I think that's taehyung's ass," he told me. 

"Nuh uh it's kookie's," I denied him. 

"Yuh uh it's taehyung's ass," he yelled. 

"Quit denying it! it's that alien's ass!" he yelled louder. 

"TEET!" yoongi got shooted by someone.

"Arghhhh I'm dead! Dead! Dead! Dead!" he yelled while lying down dramatically. 

"Dude you're not dead you're just got eliminated," I told him and facepalm myself. 

"Why did I got a partner like you?" I asked myself. 

"Umm it's your idea to make this draw idea," he sarcastically said. 

"You shut up you lazy asshole!" I yelled at him. 

"I'm an asshole?! It's you okay?" he hold his chest dramatically like he's got hurt. We keep argue and argue until... 

"TEET!" I got shooted too. 

"Noooo!!!" I dramatically knee down and yelled. 

"Haha in your face namjoon!" I heard yoongi laying down laughing. 

"Yeah yeah," I rolled my eyes and pull him to the exit. 

Y/n's pov

"Namjoon oppa and yoongi oppa is eliminated," I told jimin. 

"Good job. Now it's hobi hyung's team and tae's team," he said. 

"You're good at this spying," I chuckled. He looks at me and smiled. 

"You're not bad either," he complimented me. 

"Now let's get them," I said while spotting hobi oppa's back. He's looking at the other side so he didn't know me and jimin are behind him. 

"TEET!" I shooted hobi oppa and jimin shooted jin oppa. 

"AAHHHHHHH," hobi oppa yelled so loud I think my ears are bleeding. 

"Stop yelling you fool!" jin oppa smacked his head and they both walk to the exit.

"Shoot!" I heard tae oppa yelled from the other side of me and jimin. 

"Duck!" jimin pull me down. He pull me down so fast I fell on top of him. 

"Hehe sorry," he looked at me blushing. I got up and looking for tae oppa. 

Jimin's pov

I didn't do it on purpose. Every time I pulled her whether she fell on top of me or trip on her foot and her face land in front of mine. I don't want her to think I'm a pervert. 

"Fire!" jungkook yelled as he trying to shoot y/n. I shooted him back. 

"Argh I'm dead tae.. Revenge meh!" he yelled and tae try to shoot y/n. Y/n keep dodging so does tae. 

"TEET!" tae shooted me. 

"I'm sorry y/n," I apologised to her. 

"It's okay," she said as she shoot. 

"TEET!" someone got shooted but I don't know who. 

"YES I WIN I WIN I WIN I WIN!!!" y/n cheered as she jumping around. 

"I'm so proud of you!," I cheered for her and pull her into a hug. I felt her tense up but she hug me back. 

Thank u for reading. I hope u like the chapter

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Love u guys stay healthy ❤️❤️

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