Jealous pt. 2

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Y/n's pov

After we all gathered again we went to the ice cream shop in the amusement park and buy some ice cream. 

"What flavour do you want y/n?" jimin asked me. 

"Vanilla please," I said while chatting with jisoo and the girls on my phone. 

"Okay baby," he said while walking away and buy the ice cream. 

He came back with three sundaes. He gave me my ice cream and sat beside me. 

"Thank you chim!" I grab it and took a big scoop of it. 

"Say ah little demon," I turned around and took the scoop from jimin. 

"Nyam.." I mumbled while enjoying the ice cream. 

"Say ah chimchim," I heard a voice saying that so I turned to jimin. 

"Thanks eunha," he smiled as eunha feeds him more. 

They play and feed each other like I wasn't there. I felt my anger is rising. I tried to control it and my grasp on my spoon tightened. 

"Y/n you okay?" she probably noticed me. I nod as I mumble an "I'm okay" 

"I'm here if you need someone to talk to okay?" she said while hugging me. 

"Thanks mimi," I hugged her back. 

We finished our ice cream and drove back to home. 

"Thanks for the ride bye!" we dropped mimi on the castle and head to our place. That bitch decided to go home by herself and she insisted. 

*at home*

"Okay you guys go take a rest I'll cook the dinner," jin oppa said while suga oppa went to help him. 

Jimin and I went to our room and lay down. 

"I'm exhausted," he said while getting up and went to the bathroom and took a shower. 

I fell asleep with moonie in my arms while waiting for Jimin. 

Jimin's  pov

I took shower and came out from the bathroom. I saw y/n sleeping with moonie in her arms. She looks tired. 

"Hey y/n go take a shower," I whispered so I don't surprise her. She open her eyes slowly and stare at me for like few minutes. Her eyes looks sad. 

"Okay," she mumbled and went to the bathroom. 

I waited for her to come out so I can ask her what's wrong. 

"Y/n come here," I called her as she walk out from the bathroom. 

She walks to me with her head hung low. She sat beside me on the bed. 

"Y/n please tell me what's wrong," I said while stroking her hair. 

"I just..." she stopped as she fiddle her finger. 

"Just what?" I asked her. I stare at her waiting for her answer but she didn't make eye contact with me. 

"It's just I don't like eunha okay?" she suddenly burst out with a bit of her angry tone. I know what happened now. 

"Are you jealous baby?" I teased her. 

"No I'm not I just don't like her," she mumbled out quietly. 

"Don't be jealous okay? I love you y/n come here," I open my arms and she fall into my embrace. I stroke her hair softly as she snuggled to me. 

We cuddled for few minutes until jin hyung called us for dinner. 

"Come on," I stand up and offer her my hand. She grab it and we went to the dining room. 

"I made jajangmyeon," jin hyung said while putting the noodles on the table. 

After we ate our dinner tae and kookie wants to watch movie so we all watch it with them. 

"The movie is great," hobi hyung munch on his popcorn as he kept his eyes on the screen. 

I'm thinking to spoil y/n tonight since she's jealous and mad. 

"Y/n come here," I said as I pat my lap signalling her to sit on it. She stared at me for few minutes but eventually she got up and walk to me. 

"Why do you want me to sit on your lap?" she asked. 

"Nothing just wanna spoil my baby," I smiled and pat my lap once again. 

"O-okay," she said while sitting on my lap. She kept moving maybe she's feeling uncomfortable. 

"Hey you okay?" I asked her and she stopped moving. 

"Yeah I'm okay," she said while starting to relax. 

"That's nice," I kissed her cheek and hugged her waist while watching the movie. 

After an hour the movie ended and everyone went to their room. 

"Y/n?" I called her and try to shake her. There's no answer so she's asleep. 

"Let's get you to bed," I picked her up in bridal style and went to the bed. I gently put her on the bed and turn off the light. 

"Goodnight y/n I love you," I said as I kissed her forehead. She's smiling in her sleep. It's cute. 

I lay down and hug her. She snuggle more to my chest. After stroking her hair for few minutes I fall asleep. 

Thank u for reading. I hope u like this chapter<3

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Love u guys stay healthy 💜💜

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