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~|Moving away|~


It has been a year since Kaori started playing volleyball and since this is her last year in elementary, she is the captain of the club. Ever since she played volleyball, she would sometimes play against her brother which of course, she lost to him most of the time. They always kept it in count though. Right now it's 13-14 (right is your brother, left is you)

"OH YEAH! I've defeated your butt again!" Her brother teased the tired little girl. They were both tired though

"Shut up! I'll beat you next time!" She declared and he raised an eyebrow. "Oh ho ho! You dare to challenge me lil sis?"

"Oh I just did nii-san." Kaori said with a smirk on her face. The siblings glared at each other while her brother just laughed. "We'll see about that."

"GUYS! DINNER IS READY!!" Their mother called from inside their house while the two looked at each other and then raced. Whoever sits on the chair first has to do the dishes for a week.

"HA! I WON! YOU HAVE TO DO THE DISHES FOR A WEEK!" Kaori said while her brother just groaned. "NOT FAIR! I LITERALLY TRIPPED OVER THE OWL PLUSHIE MOM BOUGHT FOR YOU! YOUR FAULT!" He blamed at his sister.


"Alright guys enough! Let's enjoy this dinner I made. Since Kaori won, you'll do the dishes for a week." Their mom said while Kaori just cheered. "HA! LOSER!" She said.

After a little while of bickering, they finally stopped and enjoy the delicious food. Their mom dropped her chopsticks down and sighed. "What's wrong mom?" Kaori asked, still muching down the barbecued meat.

Her brother stopped eating and began to worry. "Yeah what's wrong?"

"I don't know how to say this but... we'll be moving away from Miyagi in 2 weeks." She said and the two dropped their jaws.


"W-what?..." I couldn't find any words to say. Away? We are moving away? But where? What about Tobio and Akari? I have to leave them behind?

"W-Where to mom?" I asked.

Mom just sighed. "Your brother wants to study at Tokyo. We've talked about this before and we both agreed that he would stay at auntie's house until he finishes his Junior high. Then after that, he would take the entrance exam at the academy he chose. There is only one problem though. Me and you have to stay in Hyōgo. Which means that your brother is studying far away from us." Mom said and I could feel tears started to well up in my eyes.

My brother looked at me guiltily. I could tell he was so sorry for me. I got up from my chair and ran upstairs, to my room. I already finished my food anyway so that didn't bother me.

I kept crying and crying in my bed for about an hour until I heard a soft knock on my door. I don't care who it was, I don't want to see anyone. The mysterious person opened my door and I looked back to see it was my brother. "Go away..." I mutter and cry again.

"Kaori..." He whispered and sat on my bed. He tried to touch my shoulder but I slapped his hand away. "I said go away!" I yelled at him and hugged my pillow tighter.

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