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~|Junior High Tournament|~


3 months after Kaori and Atsumu began dating. Osamu knew a month later that they were dating. He is slightly hoping that Atsumu would not break Kaori's heart because this person who his twin's brother is dating is a kind and a loving girl. And he is also slightly hoping that he changed.

On the other hand, Atsumu treated Kaori like the princess she is. He would constantly spoil her with hugs and kisses. He even shows PDA to her in public which is new to Osamu, since all the ex girlfriends Atsumu had, have never experienced it. Even once.

But let's put aside Atsumu and Kaori's relationship, since many of ya'll are single. The Junior High Volleyball Tournament is near and Kaori is more ready than ever. She kept practicing and practicing hard to win the finals. Kaori, herself, is the inspiration of her teammates. They always admire her courage and confidence when it comes to volleyball.

"Ah, Suzurandai is competing again?" Ayako groaned while stretching.

"Well what do you expect Ayako? They are really strong." Amaya said.

"Nuh uh! I heard there is another school that is strong like Suzurandai." The 2nd year Libero said.

"Huh? What school?"

"Dosho Middle School. Apparently, there is this one guy who looks really hot and popular but it is said that he analyzes the toss before spiking. And yeah he is an Outside Hitter like our Kaori!" The libero said and Kaori looked at them when she heard her name. "Huh? Nani?"

"Oh it's nothing Kaori. We were just talking about a guy who is a wing spiker like you!"

"Ohh that explains why. May I know who he is?"

"Sakusa Kiyoomi. Apparently, I heard that he is a germaphobe and hates crowds. It's kinda weird on why he hates crowds."

"Hey there is no weird about that. Besides, I kind of dislike crowds too." Kaori said and drank her water from her sports bottle.

"Oh? Since when did cha hate crowds babe?" Kaori flinched at the voice, but calms down when it was only Atsumu, her boyfriend of 3 months.

"I don't hate it. I kind of dislike it. And since I was little."

"Babe, ya are little."

Kaori glared at her boyfriend, who was laughing at her reaction. Ayako, Amaya and the others laughed along and Kaori smacked Atsumu in his chest. He chuckled. "Aww, I'm sorry babe." He said and kissed Kaori in the forehead.

"So mean." Kaori said and walked away, leaving her teammates and her boyfriend still laughing. "Oi, you better apologize to your girlfriend." Ayako said while wiping a tear.

"Hai hai, but she's cute when she gets mad." Atsumu admired her and Ayako faked a barf while Amaya and the others chuckled.

"Set yer relationship aside 'Tsumu. We're practicing, not admiring our partner." Osamu suddenly said out of nowhere and Atsumu was ready to chase his twin brother.



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