| Clumsy |

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"Could you take these papers up to my office?"

I nodded while regretting my decision of coming downstairs to grab my camera.

Before I could even make it in the room, Ren saw me and has been asking me to take things to his new office for almost an hour.

I came down here to get my camera to take cute pics of Joonie to feed the armys not to be your slave-

I exhaled air as I made my way through the unfamiliar hallway.

I've never even seen this side of the building..

I began to grow curious so my eyes traveled down to the papers.

Are these passwords? Why would he put this one on the top..

Before I could look back up, my shoulder touched something else and I tripped on my own foot.

I never knew my cause of death would be someone's shoulder and my own two feet.

Before I got to the ground, my knees hit it first and I caught half of the papers.

I mindlessly looked up to see another body picking up some of the papers.

"I'm so sorry Yeonjun.. Wait, Yeonjun?!"

My legs moved on their own as I stood up and grasped the papers tight, bowing quickly.

"I'm s-so sorry I wasn't paying attention and I ran into you-"

"It's okay~" His heavenly face and voice blessed my presence and his smile cured all the pain in my knees.

He handed me the rest of the papers again and I bowed once more before continuing down the hallway.

I completely forgot TXT is in this building too, how embarrassing-

As I got in the room I quickly put the papers down and left.

Instead of even trying to grab my camera, I used the elevator to get away from the snake.

Right as I got on the floor I saw a couple bodies sitting on one of the couches.

"Yoongi, Jin- you need to help me-"

I walked over there like a zombie and fell onto the other side of the couch.

"That snake made me his slave for an hour instead of letting me get my camera."

Jin sighed and crossed his arms while Yoongi gave me a displeased look before speaking.

"I don't know why Bang PD thinks it's a good idea to keep him around here, none of us know why and every time we bring it up he changes the topic."

After he finished talking, Yoongi spread his legs out on the couch and turned over, one of his legs falling on top of mine.

"I'm taking a nap, bother Jin about it instead."

I started to turn around but saw Jin was already walking towards one of the break rooms.

"Maybe you are the real snakes~"

I huffed before pushing Yoongi's leg off of mine and standing up.

I could see a tired smile on his face as I walked away.

My feet carried themselves towards the next closest room. I knocked and a few seconds later the door opened to reveal the fake soulmates.

"Hey Haneun!" Taehyung nervously turned off the console as Jimin pushed the controllers away with a sheepish smile on his face.

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