| Extra ~ Ascending |

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henlo~ this is an extra chapter that is in the present so it takes place before the epilouge~ it is not part of the real storyline or book and just a little extra something for you guys

this is in honor of namjoons blue hair for dynamite because i cant stop screaming about it, enjoy joon stans ٩( 'ω' )و


The atmosphere was sickeningly silent as several bodies sat around in the living room.

It was suddenly broken by a voice.

"I can't believe you don't know yet-" Jihyo was practically whining from the unsolved mystery.

"They assigned someone else to the photoshoot and I've only seen Joon with platinum blonde so I have no clue what his actual hair color is now-" Haneun spoke in a hush as she stared at her phone.

"This is cruel I can't take this anymore-" Ryujin rolled onto her stomach while squishing her face into a pillow.

"Jimin said his hair for the photo is a secret too and I've only seen him with brown hair around the dorms- This is driving me crazy-!" She whined into the pillow as Clover jumped onto her back.

"We'll find out soon enough- there's only ten more minutes left."

Haneuns brain was suddenly flooded with theories and predictions.

"I seriously have no clue what it could be after all the theories on Twitter-!" She spoke louder this time as the two girls looked at her.

"What if he pulled something and he's just messing with us and his hair is still platinum blonde-" Ryujin suddenly spoke, causing their eyes to shift to her.

"That's possible, but he also had this stupid smirk on his face while Sana and him pushed me out of the dressing rooms.." Haneun crossed her arms as the clock continued ticking.

"Two more minutes." Anticipation grew in the three girls as time felt like it was going slower and slower.

As the clock finally stuck midnight, they eagerly waited on twitter.

Silence filled the room until Jihyo gasped.

As soon as it loaded on all three phones, inhuman squeals left their lips.

"They all look so good-"

"It looks like Jimin has purple highlights-!"

The two girls noticed Haneun was quiet. They turned their heads to see the girl frozen.

"B-blue Joon-" Her eyes were wide as she held the phone in her hands.

"Oh no she's broken-" Ryujin sighed as she poked the girl on the shoulder.

"Namjoon has blue hair!" She suddenly screamed, an excited smile on her face.

In a split second, it turned into an anxious smile.

"Oh my god Namjoon has blue hair-!"

Her phone fell onto the table as she sat back on the couch.

"I can't believe he hid this from me-"

The two girls giggled as they watched their friend malfunction.

"You're gonna have a nervous breakdown when you see him tomorrow I can already tell-" Jihyo began laughing as the girl glared at her.

She suddenly sat up, a bright smirk on her face.

"I won't have a nervous breakdown if I don't see him~!"

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