| Jungkook's Twin |

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As I unlocked the door, I could hear several noises coming from the other side of the wall.

As soon as the door opened I heard a laugh.

My eyes traveled to the living room where Jungkook and Taehyung were aggressively pressing down on their controllers, their eyes refusing to leave the screen.

On the floor was Jimin playing with Hobi's hair as his head rested in his lap, their faces both focused on the tv screen with interested expressions.

As soon as I walked towards the kitchen, a tired looking Yoongi walked out from the hallway. His messy hair and dragging feet indicated that he must have just woken up.

"Hey, Haneun."

"Wassup Yoongles~"

He gave me a unimpressed stare as I quietly chuckled.

"You've given me so many weird nicknames-"

I laughed as he sat down in a stool in front of me.

"Did anyone make lunch? I can make something for you if you're hungry." I mumbled as I pulled some vegetables out of the refrigerator.

"That sounds great, thank you." His gummy smile made an appearance as I began cutting the vegetables.

"Why did you get called in today when we had the day off?" He curiously asked while watching the knife move smoothly on the cutting board.

"Yunhee and I were asked to train some new employees, I didn't know they were gonna hire anyone else but I guess they did."

He nodded along as I finished speaking.

The noises of Taehyung and Jungkook victoriously yelling filled the atmosphere before another figure walked down the hallway.

"Oh, I was gonna make lunch but it looks like you're already doing it." Sana smiled at me while sitting down next to Yoongi.

"Is Namjoon still in his studio?" She asked while placing her phone on the counter.

"Yeah, he said he was gonna come home after he finished something."

She nodded before opening Twitter.

As I began putting ingredients into a pot, Hobi and Jimin walked up and took the last remaining stools.

I looked down to only see their eyes staring at me.

"You guys look creepy staring like that, do I look like an alien or something?"

Giggles escaped their lips while the others fondly smiled at them.

As soon as the stew was done, the door opened as Namjoon walked in, immedietly sniffing the air.

"It smells good in here-"

I chuckled while placing a bunch of bowls on the counter.

At this point, everyone was gathered around the counter eagerly waiting for it to be finished.

As soon as I finished putting the bowls down, I looked at all of them with a smile.

They grinned before grabbing a bowl and shoving stew and rice into it.

I quietly chuckled before Namjoon walked next to me.

He kissed my forehead softly before smiling at me again, his hands moved towards a bowl as he began filling it up. I uwued at him while taking the last bowl.

"What were you doing at Bighit Joon?" Sana eyed the boy as he swallowed a spoonful of rice.

"I had some ideas for our next album so I wrote them down and tested a few things, I wouldn't have been able to have a peaceful day if I didn't do that first-"

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