The five kalimas:
Kalimah TayyibahKalimah Shahaadat
Kalimah Tamjeer
Kalimah Tawheed
Kalimah Radd Kufr
What is Kalma?
Kalma or Kalima is an assembly of a few words that is the identity of a Muslim. Kalma is the basic principle that connects the person to Islamic spirit.
"lā ilaha illal lahu, Muhammadur-rasul Ullah"
"There is no god but Allah, Muhammad [Peace be upon him] is the messenger of Allah."
It is the declaration of belief and faith in Islam. The acknowledgment of the truth brings peace and humility in life.
In the Holy Quran Allah Pak addresses Muhammad (Peace be upon him):
"So know (O Muhammad SAW) that La ilaha ill-Allah (none has the right to be worshipped but Allah), and ask forgiveness for your sin, and also for (the sin of) believing men and believing women." Quran (47:19)
The moment you say these words from your mouth and believe them from your heart, you are a Muslim.
The kalma has many benefits; first benefit is humility that comes with it.
Nobody is a good Muslim unless and until they are first good human beings.
Acceptance of Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) as the last and final messenger is the latter step that completes the transformation into a Muslim.
To believe in One Allah, all the Prophets of Allah, the Holy books, the Angels, the Day of Judgment and Predestination are the articles that complete the faith.
Islamic Knowledge
Historical FictionAssalamu alaikum warahmathullahi wabarakatuh. . . . Bismil-lah The following are : 1.some daily essential Dua's from quran with reference, pronunciation and translation 2.The five kalimas with pronunciation and translation & 3. 40 (chel-e-) Hade...