Leaving Home & Entering Home

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              Leaving Home

              Leaving Home

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Sahih Muslim 1/209


Bismil-lahi walajna, wabismil-lahi kharajna, wa’ala rabbina tawakkalna


I depart with Allah’s name, relying on Him. It is Allah who saves us from sins with His guidance (the ability to do so)


The messenger of Allah (s.a.w) said, “When any one of you enters his home and mentions the Name of Allah, when he enters and when he eats, the Shaytan says, ‘You have no place to stay and nothing to eat here.’
If he enters and does not mention the name of Allah when he enters, [the Shaytan] says, ‘You have a place to stay.’ If he does not mention the name of Allah when he eats, [the Shaytan says], ‘You have a place to stay and something to eat.’

Entering Home

Entering Home

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At Tirmidhi 5/490, Abu Dowud 4/325


Bismil-lah, tawakkaltu alal-lah, wala hawla wala quwwata illa billah


In the Name of Allah we enter , in the Name of Allah we leave , & upon our Lord we depend [then say As-Salaamu ‘Alaykum to those present]


Prophet (s.a.w) also said, “If a man goes out of his house and says (This Du’a) it will be said to him, ‘this will take care of you, you are guided, you have what you need and you are protected.’ The Shaytan will stay away from him, and another Shaytan will say to him, ‘what can you do with a man who is guided, provided for and protected’.

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