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Dream atop his throne^
King of what you may ask?
King of pettiness.

George and Emily have officially been together for a week. Dream hasn't been on streams for a week.

Today, Emily was coming over and George told Dream and Sapnap they had to play nice.

"Let's play Minecraft when she gets here. Special guest." Sapnap suggested. "We could do a 2v2 manhunt." Dream spoke up.

"If she wants to play we can. You and Sapnap can run and Em and I will hunt." Dream forced back a scoff, but his eye roll wasn't unnoticed.

"C'mon Dream, I'm a good teammate." Sapnap grinned. "I'll text and ask her if she wants to play." George said, pulling out his phone.

"Wait what's she gonna play on?" Dream asked. "I have two monitors. I'll be able to set up both of us to play." George told him, smiling.

Dream sat down on the couch while George paced in the background. Sapnap just rolled his eyes and leaned over the couch, climbing over it to sit down.

Sapnap leaned on the arm of the couch and put his feet on Dream's lap. "Get your feet off me." Dream chuckled, pushing them off. Sapnap was that one friend that could do something like breathe and it'd be funny.

Sapnap put them back up and pushed Dream with one foot. "There's that smile. C'mon, if Emily plays, we'll beat their asses. I'm not gonna go easy on a girl." Sapnap crossed his arms.

George walked over. "Emily is on her way, she said she wants to play. I'm gonna set up my computer." George told them before walking toward his room.

Sapnap lifted his foot and used his toe to poke Dream in the face. "Don't touch me with your filthy toes!" Dream grumbled. Sapnap laughed a bit as Dream swatted at him.

The two males wrestled, with Sapnap leaping onto Dream and Dream trying his hardest to push Sapnap back.

Dream and Sapnap where laughing as Sapnap was able to get his hands close enough to trap Dream in a headlock and give him and agressive hair ruffle.

Dream forced his hands up and gagged a bit from being basically choked. "Get off!" He gargled out, while Sapnap just laughed. Dream grabbed Sapnap by the shoulders and threw him over his back. Dream had Sapnap quickly pinned under him before trapping him in a headlock and agressivly (and quite painfully) rubbed Sapnap's hair with a fist.

"How's it feel, Jackass?" Dream yelled out, a huge smile on his face. "Okay! Okay! I give in!" Sapnap tried to make Dream release his grip. He eventually did only to be tackled by Sapnap.

The two tussled on the floor a bit, both hitting or smacking the other without intention to hurt. The two were a laughing mess but both stopped when George walked out of his room: arms crossed, angry expression, irritated foot tap.

"Can you two settle down?" George grumbled, rolling his eyes and moving his head in the process.

At this moment, Dream had Sapnap pinned to the floor in a very uncomfortable position that only was there because of George interrupting their game.

Dream and George knew they'd probably regret their next decision but both knew what to do. Dream smiled, nodded, and stood up of of Sapnap.

"Okay George. We have settled our differences!" Sapnap held up a finger in front of him before slashing it to the side. George looked pleased and was about to walk away.

"Get him!" Dream yelled, a huge smile on his face as Sapnap tackled George from behind, trapping his arms to his sides. "Sapnap? What-?" George quickly realized the situation when Dream smirked and stood in front of him, his hands clasped together menacingly.

"Dream! Dream, wait-! DREAM YOU GUYS SAID YOU WOULDN'T DO THIS AGAIN!" George screamed out as Sapnap laughed. Dream moved closer and closer, ready to tickle George.

George started kicking and trying to escape whilst dying of laughter. George was oddly ticklish and Sapnap found that out quickly. Sapnap let go of George as he fell to the floor, laughing and being tickled. George twisted and laughed, trying to get away from Dream.

Dream did a stupid and trapped George under him, giving George a bit of a chance to escape.

Sapnap quickly noticed the look on George's face, even if he was laughing. "Dream!" He was too late to call out as Dream fell to his side, curling up in pain.

"That was a cheap shot George." Dream groaned. George stood up and calmed down from his giggle fit. "Sorry Dream..." George laughed and rubbed the back of his neck.

George's apology was interrupted by a knock at the door. Emily was here.

George briskly walked over, forgetting Dream on the floor. Sapnap laughed, clutching his stomach.

Emily walked in and at the sight, started laughing.

Dream heard the laugh and quickly tensed up, rolling over. At the sight of George and Emily hugging, he hid his face and curled up, still tense from George's cheap shot.

Sapnap seemed to see what was happening and stopped laughing to help Dream up.

"I'm not gonna ask what happened..." Emily smiled for a second. "Okay Em. Before you play with us... Be prepared for yelling. Dream is gonna set up a man hunt. Do you know how to play?" George asked, leading Emily to his setup.

"George, we've been together for a week. I've watched your videos, I know how you guys are." She smiled. "And I know how to play. Not very well but I know." George get Emily set up on a computer before going to check on Sapnap and Dream.

"You two okay?" He asked. Dream was sitting on his bed in his hoodie and mask while Sapnap had his arms crossed, staring at him.


"Dream. You're jealous." Sapnap claimed, watching Dream struggle on agressivly putting on his hoodie.

"I'm not jealous, Sapnap." Dream grumbled, rummaging through his drawer to find his mask.

"Then what was that scene in the den? That reaction wasn't just fear of someone outside our group seeing your face." Sapnap pointed out, crossing his arms and slightly tilting his head.

"Sapnap, why would I be jealous? First off, I'm happy for George. Second, I'm not gay." Dream didn't mean to sound that agressive at the end.

"Well something is going on Dream. I don't care if you're gay, dude. You can talk to me. Mainly if you're simping for George..." Sapnap smiled. Dream sat onto his bed and flattened his hair.

He just stared at Sapnap before putting on his mask. Suddenly the door opened, revealing George.

"You two okay?" George asked. "Someone's ear were burning." Sapnap joked. "What?" George asked, raising a brow. "Nothing George." Sapnap gave George a pat on his head. "But yes, we're fine. Dream couldn't find his mask." Sapnap told him. Dream nodded.

"Set up your mics and make a server, were getting set up in my room." George told them. "You got it," Sapnap smiled as George left.

Dream looked down at his hands and sighed. "Look Dream... If you wanna talk, I'll listen. For now, get set up and be happy. I'm headed to my setup." Sapnap said before leaving Dream's room.

Dream sat alone for a few seconds until his computer lit up, showing a chat room invite. He walked over and accepted, turning on his mic.

"Let's play." Sapnap said, a tinge of playfulness in his voice.

Dreaming (DreamNotFound/Geam fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now