Chapter 3 - Let It Be

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Kenma's POV
It's been a week since Kuroo's birthday and I've practically been visiting the cat everyday, coming there after school and staying till the workers have to ask me to leave.

The next day I was awoken by Kuroo jumping onto my bed. "Ugh leave me alone." I yelled as I tried to kick him off of the bed, but it was no use, as always.

Yesterday night I stayed up late writing to my soulmate, then also had trouble falling asleep until I put on the jumper Kuroo had given me for my birthday.

After a couple minutes he stopped jumping on my bed and I could soon see a shadow appear above me.

Next thing I know I could feel his breath on my ear, my body froze but my face heated up. "Your wearing my jumper, Kitten." He whispered, making me jump out of my bed. 'I completely forgot I had put on the jumper yesterday when I was cold.' I-I umm i-it's comfortable." I finally stuttered out.

'Get yourself together Kenma or he's gonna think your acting weird. I still haven't come out to him, or in fact anyone except Hinata. I didn't want to lose Kuroo if he found out I like him.'

He smirked cheekily. I looked away from him and couldn't hold back a yawn. "Were your playing on your phone all night again?" He asked. "No, I actually got about 5 hours of sleep this time." I explained and went to get my clothes and put them in the bathroom, locking the door behind me.


"So what were you doing up so late then?" He questioned, tilting his head to look at me as I walked out of the bathroom.

I stared back at him. 'Crap he's so gorgeous. How can he look so good this early in the morning? I'm not complaining but it's unfair, I just look like a noodle that grew arms and legs.'

"I was talking to my soulmate." I said sheepishly, rubbing the back of my neck. His face instantly lights up.

"That's amazing!" He shouted as he happily ran over to me and picked me up, spinning me around my room. My face began heating up again as he wrapped his strong arms around my small torso.

"P-put me down!" I shouted. He obeyed, hanging his arms around my waist and leaning his chin on my shoulder instead.

"I hate you." I said rolling my eyes. "Don't say that you know you love me." 'That's true. Shut up mind he meant as a friend.' I couldn't stop myself from feeling a little disappointed, he'll only ever see me as a friend.


Kuroo's POV
As we walked to school my mind drifted to what Kenma had said. Of course, I'm proud of him for at least giving his soulmate a chance but at the same time I couldn't help but feel jealous.

I was actually talking to my soulmate last night too. Although I wasn't very interested.

I know it's rude but when I think of soulmates the only person I can think of is Kenma, I always feel this pull towards him, like an invisible peace of string is pulling me to him.

I feel like he'd be the most comfortable around me, and I don't want to spend my time with anyone but him. He's always so shy and quiet around new people, and I really don't want them to get annoyed when he doesn't open up to them or when he's always on his phone.

I on the other hand love those things about him, I fine it absolutely adorable when he secretly tried to hide behind me when we introduce ourselves to another team, thinking no one would notice.

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