Chapter 5 - I'll Stay by You

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Kenma stopped crying only when he fell asleep. I hugged him tighter as his breath steadied back to normal.

'I wish I could do something more to help him, but I guess for now all I can do is just be here next to him when he wakes up. '

I stroked his hair softly, he flinched in his sleep and my heart breaks a little.


Kenma's POV
I woke up to Kuroo's quiet snoring filling my ears. As I remember what happened earlier my chest drew tight, an uneasy feeling came over me.

"K-Kuroo" I whispered quietly as I looked up at him. "Mmmm." He mumbled back, still half asleep. "I-I need to go to the bathroom." I muttered as I tried to get out of his grip.

As soon as I stood up, I felt the cold air in my room hit my exposed arms. 'I wanna go back to Kuroo's strong and safe arms' I sighed and grabbed his jumper, the one he got me for my birthday.

I loved it, because for some reason no matter how many times I washed it his sent doesn't leave, maybe it was just my mind playing tricks on me but I didn't care, his sent was intoxicating.


My eyes were puffy and red. 'Good Kuroo didn't see my face when I got up.'

I did my business then washed my hands and splashed cold water on my face, the freezing water woke me up and thoughts began to swim into my brain in gigantic waves.

New tears began falling from my eyes. 'God I'm so pathetic' I thought as I started at myself in the mirror. My sobs and sniffs filled the bathroom and I was terrified Kuroo would be able to hear them, but I couldn't stop crying no matter how hard I tried. I covered my mouth with my hand, not wanting to worry Kuroo.

"Kenma are you okay in there?" 'Crap to late' "Y-yeah I'm fine." I chuckled, trying to make the lie more believable. "No, you're not, I can hear it in your voice. Open the door." He demanded.

I froze for a moment but then slowly walked over to the door and turned the lock, the door swinging open revealing a worried Kuroo.

I couldn't look him in the eyes. He's only seen me like this once before, and I refused to let him see it again. I guess I failed.

"Kenma" he said in a soft whisper, putting his hand up to my chin and tilting my head up.

"Look at me" he demanded. I couldn't. I refused to let our eyes meet. "Kenma" he whispered angrily. I went against everything I had just thought, and our eyes met. Once again tears streamed down my cheeks as he examines my face. 'How could he still stay by my side? I don't understand.'

"We don't have to talk about what you said, I'll be here no matter what." He said as he walked closer to me, but as he tried to put his arms around me his forehead met the hard surface of the doorframe.

I couldn't help but break into a fit of laughter, he chucked a little bit and rubbed his forehead. "It's not funny." He said, trying not to laugh himself. "N-no it's h-hilarious." I stuttered out through my laughter.

"It hurts." He huffed and continued rubbing the area he had hit his head. "Your exaggerating." I giggle, rolling my eyes.

"Can you kiss it better?" He pouts, sounding like a kid whose parents didn't let him get a toy he really wanted. I freeze for a second as he leans down. 'Is he seriously fine with what I said?'

"A-are you sure?" I stuttered nervously. He didn't answer just wrapped his arms around my waist and bringing me closer.

I lightly pecked his forehead before quickly tearing out of his grip and running back into my room.

Kuroo's POV
I wanted to tell him. I didn't want him to feel like I don't accept him. I know him and even if I say it a thousand times, he'll still have doubts. I want to tell him, but my brain won't allow me to. 'I'll tell you soon Kenma, I promise.' I thought as I walked back to his room.

I slowly walk over to where he was laying on his bed and laid down next to him, wrapping my arms around his waist and snuggling into his small back, my chin leaning on his head. 'I accept you, please believe me. I love you.'

As we laid on Kenma's bed my mind began to wonder back to what Kenma has said earlier.

"I think soulmates are important, but you don't have to be with them. I mean a soulmate doesn't necessarily need to become your lover; they could be your best friend." I explain my thoughts. "Mmm maybe I'll give them a chance." He mumbled as he drifted off to his own never-land.

I sighed, taking in his familiar sent and letting myself fall into a deep, peaceful and comfortable sleep. 'I'll tell you one day, one day in the near future. I won't let anyone take you away from me.'


Kenma's POV
I walked out of the school grounds, heading back home. As I crossed the road, I saw a pair of blinding bright lights heading my way, fast. I froze. I couldn't move.

Suddenly I was pushed out of the way, my body hitting the hard, cold pavement as I fell but I couldn't feel the pain.

When I opened my eyes, the truck wasn't moving anymore and people crowded around the crossing. I slowly stood up onto my wobbly feet and made my way through the crowd that had formed out of nowhere.

As I got to the front my eyes widened and I didn't even realise I was crying till the big, wet tears tickled my checks. Kuroo was laying lifelessly on the ground in a pool of his own blood.

My legs gave out, sending me tumbling onto my knees next to Kuroo. I picked up his cold body and hugged him tightly, the blood soaking my school uniform, but I didn't care. I closed my eyes and let the tears stream down my cheeks and hit his face.

"Kuroo no. Don't leave me! I love you! I love you! You can't leave me! Kuroo wake up!" I screamed.

As soon as I awoke my body shot up. "Kuroo" I whispered as I turned my head to see if he was still laying next to me. "K-Kenma? Are you okay?" He asked in a low husky but extremely worried voice.

"Y-yeah, I just had a bad dream." I admitted as I came to my senses and realised it was just a nightmare. I then tucked my hair behind my ears as I rubbed the sweat off of my face with my top.

My body flinched as Kuroo's cold hands touched my exposed arm. "Ken?" He asked sitting up. "I-I'm fine." 'I'm not fine please hold me.' I said through my eyes.

In times like these I'm thankful that Kuroo can read me so well. He wrapped his strong arms around me and I instantly felt safe and slowly forgetting about the nightmare as I melted into his touch. 'I wish I could tell you how I feel.'

'Thanks, you for being here for me.'
'I love you.'

Still waiting, hands shaking, maybe the coast will clear? But these voices, these strange noises. They followed me in here.

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