Chapter 14 - Christmas Festival

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Kuroo decided to put forth his plan on Christmas.

Him and Kenma were planning to go to a festival together but little did the short setter know that on their way back Kuroo would force them to stop at a certain place.


Christmas came soon enough and the two boys were on their way to the festival.

The older boy was convinced that his childhood friend had no idea what he was planning.

He was right, well half right. Kenma was forbidden to bring his PSP so he paid a bit more attention to his surroundings and could tell that something was up, by the way the third year sped up what he was saying every once in a while.

Although after further investigation decided it was better not to mention anything, he had a gut feeling that the reason Kuroo was a little nervous wasn't because of something bad.


The festival was crowded with people of all ages. Carts with all kinds of food formed a path that carried on for what looked like forever.

Although Kenma hates socialising he loved seeing the childish expression on his lovers face as they walked past many stands, occasionally stopping to buy something to eat or to try a festival game.

Each time they did so Kuroo's smile grew until he wore an ear to ear grin on his face.

Witnessing Kuroo so happy was the younger boys favourite thing, apart from video games and volleyball.

Seeing the person he loved so happy made his stomach spin and his mind go blank, erasing any worries from his mind.

Even though he would rather be inside where its warm and comfortable he wasn't complaining. Having Kuroo's arm wrapped around his waist as they walked, his familiar sent and warmth made him feel at home.

The two boys walked and walked until they heard a familiar voice call out to them.

"Hey! Hey! Hey!" The owl-looking boy grinned happily as he quickly made his way over to his friends, dragging his boyfriend along with him.

Their hands were intertwined, Bokuto carried a paper plate filled with goods as Akaashi held a medium-sized owl toy, which the two Nekoma boys predicted was won by the Fukorodani captain and given as a present.


Akaashi and Kenma walked side by side in a comfortable silence as the two third years rushed ahead, just about visible for the second years behind them.

"So how long are you gonna walk around for?" Bokuto asked as he stuffed his mouth with the sweets from his plate.

"I was thinking to stay maybe another hour, I know Kenma doesn't really like massive crowds." The rooster-looking haired boy explained.

"Then on our way back we'll stop at the big Christmas tree in the centre of town and I'll ask him there." Kuroo added.

"Well then good luck dude! Don't stress the two of you are practically already together so it's not like he's gonna say no." Bokuto was right.

His friends words made Kuroo relax a little, his tense muscles now loosening as he turned around to look at the two boys behind them, smiling widely as he stared at the boy he had fallen in love with.

They made eye contact, their love radiating off of them as they smile at each other like idiots.

Kuroo was soon pulled back around by Bokuto, who saved him from bumping into an old lady.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2020 ⏰

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