Pidge The Pup

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Lance P.O.V

It's been a week since the others found out my second gender, I'm not sure why but I made a nest in the lounge room, not even being close to my heat, I've been taking suppressants just in case though. When Pidge found out about my second gender was when I considered her as my pup. Meaning; I would protect her at all costs and kill whoever touched her. 

{Lounge Area}

I laid in my nest with Pidge cuddling close while she played video games. We were waiting for Hunk to finish cooking lunch, I ended up drifting to sleep with the small girl in my arms. I suddenly woke up to the scent of another person in the room, not recognizing the scent, I quickly sat up and got in-front of Pidge in a guarding position.

"Lance? Are you alright? Are you going into pre-heat?? I'll get Keith and some pillows and blankets!!" She said getting up from the nest. I quickly grabbed her arm and pulled her behind me.

"No and Why would I need Keith if I was going into pre-heat- ..Oh.. EW PIDGE NO!!" I shouted as she snickered. The scent became stronger and despite Pidge being a Beta, she could smell it too.

"Lance...Do you smell that?" She asked from behind me. I nodded in response.

"Well..Looks like my cover is blown.." A Galran soldier emerged from a dark corner of the Lounge. "Hmm..a Beta and Omega? I wonder how strong you are Omega.. Considering you're a paladin, you must be strong.. But since you made a nest.. You could be in pre-heat meaning you can't help your team.. Right?" He started slowly walking toward my nest and I clutched Pidge's hand and growled a low growl to the Galran soldier. 

I looked at Pidge and winked. I quickly released some of my scent showing I was angry and distressed. I nodded to the Galra, making him believe I was in pre-heat so he wouldn't expect me to fight. 'My scent should alert the others.. How do I protect Pidge alone..' I was lost in thought and didn't see the soldier run past me and grab Pidge. I turn around and see Pidge being held off the ground, getting strangled.

'MUST PROTECT PUP' My Omega started screaming at me and I let it take over, already knowing it might damage my body as-well.

"DON'T TOUCH HER" I scream as I summon my bayard to my hand and turn it into an Altean broad sword. I swing my sword into the direction of the Galran soldier and make a deep cut into his arm, causing him to drop Pidge. I see her pale state and growl lowly at the Galra.  "YOU'RE GONNA PAY FOR THAT!!" I scream, not noticing Pidge slowly drifting into consciousness. The soldier shoots at me hitting my leg and shoulder. He lands a few more punches, cutting and bruising me badly. I reach my limit to where I'm almost going to pass out due to loss of energy. I quickly stab the soldier with my sword, in his stomach. My scent is filled with distress, worry, and high amounts of anger.

I run back to Pidge and lay her in the nest as she wakes up. I bring her into a tight hug. "Lance..I'm okay. You saved me..again.." Pidge said between breaths. "Thanks.."

No-ones P.O.V

_During the fight with the others_

"Where are Pidge and Lance, I finished cooking fifteen minutes ago.." Sais Hunk, slightly worried.

"Hold on," Allura said. "What's that smell? It's alot like.." She hesitated.

"Lance!" The three Alphas said in unison.

"YOU'RE GONNA PAY FOR THAT!!" Lance's Omega scream was heard throughout the castle.

"Did Pidge do something??" Romelle  asked worriedly.

"No way, even if she did Lance said Pidge is like his pup, he wouldn't ever hurt her." Allura said.

"Well whatever happened it can't be good, Lance let out his Omega, which could easily drain his energy when he's not in his heat." Keith said, more worried than he was before.

-With Lance and Pidge-

"Lance?? Are you okay? You're a bit pale.." The small girl asked. 

"Yeah. I'm fin-" He fell back a bit, Pidge caught him and notice the burns on his arm and leg, along with the cuts and bruises littering his body. He started drifting out of consciousness, alarming Pidge.

"Lance?!" She yelled as her friend passed out in her arms. "Lance, Come on wake up!" She yelled. She heard the voices and footsteps hurtling towards the Lounge Area. "Shiro! Come quick, it's Lance!" She yelled once she saw the others in the doorway.

 "Shiro! Come quick, it's Lance!" She yelled once she saw the others in the doorway

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Ah It's perfect :3


Doing only 2 chapters today because I'm a lazy frog.

Hope you enjoyed this, FuLl Of LanGsT update

Also a note for my cousin.

Dear ***** 


I did this to tick you off in some ways, and I hope it worked, truly.


WATCH ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Asian Trash

🤞🏽 Asian Trash out 🤞🏽


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