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The once, gentle dulcet tones of the woman who used to sing with her in the gardens became an ugly, ear-piercing shriek of a harlot in fear.

It didn't take too long for it to be silenced.

She closed her eyes tightly, blocking every single thing that had just happened but couldn't be.

Why, she asked in her mind as she scampered off stealthily, why was this happening?

She run out of the palace and for the trees, darkness that would cover her. Sharp twigs tearing onto her dress, overgrown roots and rocks that tripped her and made her fall into dirt, and even making her cry a little bit as one sharp pointy rock made a cut onto her hand. Dirt sticking onto her wet, tear-streaked face, she just bit her lip shakily and stood up, and moved on.

Her hands holding onto the jeweled blue sapphire locket hanging on her neck, glowing softly in the dark.

"—wear this, it is magic that will help hide you—"

Magic that will help her hide her from what, she had once wondered back then. But now she knew.

He was a monster all along— but still, what had gone wrong? She hoped, and hoped and hoped. And then he looked at her with cold eyes and welcomed her, which was so unbelievable but so great it made her forget what he was. She knocked and knocked and wished he'd care and he did. He gave her the prettiest dressest, the most exquisite of jewelry, a dowry of a whole kingdom, and everything she wanted and more. He did that and all but in the end—

Why was she not enough? A sob came strangled out from her throat, clenching on the locket tighter that was stained with one of her bleeding hand, wasn't she his daughter?

It all came down just so suddenly. A ball for her, with the most gallant and handsome gentlemen and the most graceful and talented of young ladies coming from the greatest and most privileged of Noble Houses. The prettiest glass chandelier looming over them, beautiful marble floors, and gold everywhere she looked— even on her—

It was supposedly the happiest day of her life, so they, or rather, she could finally move on from— from back then.

Who would ever thought he would come down those stairs, cold and still like a marble statue, the epitome of grace and divinity that he was, in one moment—

An aura that came down onto them, pressing them to the floor and strangling them, choking them. Someone grabbed her, lifting that oppresive aura, magic, that should have killed her, and threw her out of the room— but not before she did not see what had happened.

Everything shook, like a bad earthquake, and the glass chandelier that had looked so lovely, came crashing down to the floor and shattering to tiny pieces. One of the guests cried as they got hurt, but were quickly silenced by a blast of cold wind—

And then everyone was suddenly screaming, running around in fear and chaos and mayhem, and she escaped that room but not before seeing that guest head roll onto the floor, blood sputtering off the headless corpse, and millions of glass shard that were left forgotten.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2020 ⏰

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