Aunt Kara

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As I pulled up in Aunt Kara's garden, she raced out of her house. 

"Damn" I muttered.

The cottage, well may I be darned, I never thought it was that amazing.

The wall were almost glittering green with moss, but the golden walls still crept up behind the moss. The bushes and trees covered the most part of the cottage, but they became low under the windows and stopped for a little path at the door. The garden lit up like a magic forest. It was beautiful, so beautiful. I loved it so much. I just wished that I could smile being here.

I stepped out of the car and onto the stones on the driveway. The place was like a fairytale.

"WELL MISSY!" I heard from the other end of the driveway.

"AUNT KARA!" I yelled. 

"HALEY!" Aunt Kara ran to me, open arms.

I slammed the car door and ran up to Aunt Kara and hugged her. We stood in the door way for a few moments and then I got my cases out from the car. Aunt Kara helped me drag them upstairs and into my room. Wow, it looked good.

The walls were golden, the curtains were cream with red roses intertwining around the curtains. There was a red bed cover on top of my cream bed and it had red pillows. There was a cream dresser on the side, with a red lamp, a wardrobe opposite the bed and the door stood just beside it. 

I put my suitcases to the side, and sat on the big red love seat underneath the window. I looked at my Aunt Kara with wide eyes.

"Wow!" I mouthed. "How did you do this?"

"I didn't know you were coming today! I thought you'd be coming in a few days, Sweetie. So I was going to hang pictures up, and get some flowers and get a picture painted on the wall of you and um, your sister.." Aunt Kara sighed.

"Me and Ab-" I choked, wanting to cry.

"Oh sweetie pie" Aunt Kara pulled me in.

"You'll see Abigail after they move to California"

I looked at her, shocked. 

"CALIFORNIA?!?!" I screamed.


I have writers block :( I feel like songs (erghhh) more than stories so um maybe the updates will take a while :(

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