Mr. Sexy

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The boy in front of me was beautiful in every way possible. His eyes were exactly like mine except that as i watched the gray slowly grew lighter fading into an ice blue. It was so bright i thought i might cry. Seeing the gray of his eyes changing made me wonder if mine were changing to. It had been so long since i'd seen the true color of my eyes.

I didnt feel weird staring at this man so openly. He seemed so much like me and in this moment where i could make sense of nothing, he seemed to be the only thing that could figure it out. Unconciously, i reached my hand out and gripped the side of his face. His jaw line was strong, and he hadnt shaved in a few days which made it rough to the touch. I didnt mind though, it triggered memories of when i was little and my father would rub his face on my belly at night when he put me to bed.

I slowly moved my hand tracing over his featured almost in awe. His hair was dark like mine. A deep black that in the moonlight held traces of blue. He had long eyelashes, that i almost found myself envious over. His nose was slightly crooked showing signs of at some point being broken. It didnt take away from his beauty though only added an aura of badass to him.

My gaze traveled back to his eyes, and i noticed one blood red tear slowly sliding slowly down the side of his cheek. I wiped it carefully with my thumb, and smiled at him. I slid my hand down his cheek and placed it on his chest over his heart. I could feel it thudding beneath his shirt and i almost choked on the sob that escaped my lips.

Suddenly i was curious. Was he really like me? Was that possible? Carefully i let my wolf out growing my claws out of my fingers. I slid my claw down hi chest ripping open that part of his shirt. I stared in shock at the mark over his heart that mirrored mine. It read two words 'broken soul'. A new wave of tears rolled down my cheeks as i thought about him going through the pain i had. I wondered how he'd ended up like me, and how long hed been living this way.

I felt another wave of dizziness hit me and i lurched forward into his arms. My nose ended up pressed to his neck and his smell was intoxicating. It didnt smell like anything id smelled before it was just uniquely him. I smiled feeling safe right here.

Thats when my thought process started up again and i lurched out of his arms staring directly into the eyes of the two wolves behind him. How neither of us noticed them shift is beyond me. I gasped as the dizziness hit way harder, id sat up to fast and i knew i was about to pass out. I managed to whisper out "behind you" before i passed out laying down my arms so i wouldnt hit my head on the concrete.

The blackness didnt last long. I could hear my wolf screaming in my head. I slowly was able to focus on what she was saying and i was shocked as i saw that her eyes were green again. When your wolf talks its like a whisper. The voice is the same as yours and its almost like your talking to yourself. She gave me a wolfy grin before i heard her voice say 'finally' . I wanted to roll my eyes but because i was only inside my head i settled on just thinking it.

My wolf was explaining that this man was my mate and that things were finally going to get better. She kept talking about how sexy of a couple we were going to make. She also talked about kurt. Apparently my wolf could still contact other wolves through mindlink. She told me that my dad was really sick and that i needed to take Mr. Sexy and go back to my old pack and see him.

Generally when your a changed wolf, the parent bond isnt the same as when your born a wolf. When your parents don't have wolves you wolf doesnt bond with them. However, my wolf had taken a liking to my brother and when he had passed on the only people for comfort were my parents. My wolf had bonded with them quickly and so loved them as much as i did.

After finishing what she had to say she threw me back into conciousness sending my mind reeling. As my senses came back i noticed how warm i was, and how good something smelled. I opened my eyes and realized i was being carried. I groaned and realized how cramped my body was. Obviously my conversation with my wolf was longer than it had seemed. I lifted my hand up to Mr. Sexys face. Seeing as i had nothing else to call him i just went with what my wolf had dubbed him.

He turned to me and he smiled. It was breathtaking and i couldnt help but return it.

"we need to talk" Oh my god. His voice is hot i heard my wolf whisper into my head. Mmmhmm i agreed silently with her.

"Ya, we do." Was all i could manage to say back. I found myself wanting to hear him talk more. I cuold tell he could sing from the timbre of his voice it just flowed. It was smooth and deep and i loved it. In fact i didnt even know the guy and i loved everything about him.

All of a sudden i realized something important, i didnt know him, and i didnt know where he was taking me, which meant this was not a promising situation. I felt my heartbeat start to speed up, and i let myself take a moment to revel in the fact that i had a heartbeat again.

Slowly i was coming to realize something. I didnt really care who he was or where he was taking me. If he hadnt had a heartbeat before and was like me. Than he wouldnt be wanting to hurt me, because that would mean his heartbeat would be gone too.

"Go back to sleep love" he whispered softly into my ear. The last thought i had before i complied was well this is a new meaning to my heart beats for you.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2012 ⏰

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