🌹VK's Meet the Beast Princess🌹

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Mal: Once upon a time long, long ago... Well more like 20 years ago. Belle married her Beast in front of 6,000 of their closest, personal friends. Yeah, so instead of a honeymoon, Beast united all the kingdoms and got himself the elected King of the United States of Auradon. He and his friends rounded up al the villians and sidekicks, basically all the really interesting people then placed on a magical barrier around the isle of the lost. My home, no wifi, no magic, and no way out or so I thought but that was when everything changed with Beast's children first royal decrees. This is going to be fun!

Ben and Y/n looked over at the isle of the lost when their parents walked into the room. Y/n ran over to her parents and gave them huge bear hugs smiling.

Y/n: "Hey Dad and Mom." She said while Adam ruffled her hair. "Aw! Daddy I just got it the way messy yet tomboyish way I like it!" She growled under her breath while her canine teeth sharpened into fangs before she took a few deep breaths.

Adam: "Look at you both! How is it that you two are going to be crowned Auradon's new king and queen next month, you just a pair of adorable babies." He said smiling as he pinched Y/n's cheeks even though she was growing up his daughter was still a Daddy's girl.

Y/n: "Daddy, hehe! Let go of my face. Ah! Mom, Ben make Dad stop please." She said before Belle took her away from her husband and fixed her hair. "Thanks mom." She said before kissing her parents cheeks then stood beside her brother. "Come on, Benjie." She nudged his shoulder for him to talk about their first official proclamation and let's say it didn't go well at first which lead to Beast and daughter to roar at one another until Belle intervened for her children stating that the twins had a point and their hearts were in the right places before leaving as Ben and Y/n looked back over at the isle while Ben messed with his ring, Y/n messed with her faux enchanted rose necklace around her neck nervously. "I hope we're doing the right thing." She said while hugging Ben and he hugged her by the shoulder.

Isle of the Lost to Auradon Prep

Maleficent: "Stealing candy, Mal? I'm so disappointed." The mistress of all evil scoffed until her daughter told her that she had stolen it from a baby which made her smile wickedly. "That's my nasty little girl." She said while taking the swirled lollipop spat on it before placing under her armpit then gave it to a henchman telling him to give it back to the dreadful creature. "It's the deets, Mal that make the difference between mean and truly evil. When I was your age I was cursing entire kingdoms." She said before seeing her daughter was lipsycning her speech. "You... Walk with me. See, I'm just trying to teach you the thing that really counts, how to be me." She said while smirking mischievously as she looked at Mal, Evie, Jay and Carlos before remembering a crucial bit of information she had gotten in the early morning. "Oh. There's news. I buried the lead." She said while the henchmen circled the kids. " you four have been chosen to go to a different school, in Auradon." She said while they kids tried to run off but were stopped by the henchmen.

Mal: "What?! I'm not going to some boarding school filled to the brim with prissy pink princesses!" She yelled out loud while Evie stand besides saying 'And perfect princes.' Then Jay and Carlos spoke up about uniforms and dogs. "Yeah, Mom! We're not going!" She said seriously as Maleficent scoffed a laugh.

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