The Never Ending Battle

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For a long time, he simply watched.

Word had been spread across the globe with nothing less than miraculous speed. It became a call to arms that only the greatest of superheroines dared to answer, but answer they did. From the furthest reaches of the universe they descended upon the earth in hopes of fulfilling the most daunting of challenges. The struggle would take place within the legendary Fortress of Solitude in the frozen arctic wastes. It would not do to simply leap blindly into action without first warming up, so they began to spar with one another, testing out techniques and limbering up. The feats that would be performed would undoubtedly release more raw power than all the wars fought on all the planets in the known universe. The Fortress had been reinforced with energy shields of immense power, and yet there was no guarantee the structure would survive what was to come.

As the master of the Fortress sat in a glistening crystal chair, he had similar doubts about his own body. He could think of no greater task he had ever been asked to perform. The grand hall before him continued to fill with some of the most powerful beings in the universe. And here he was, one man. No, that was not quite correct. He was one Superman.

For a long time, he simply watched.

Supergirl and Starfire lay naked on the floor a dozen meters away, entwined. Their slim, fit bodies squirmed against each other. Supergirl's fingers found their way down to the cleft of Starfire's legs, and Starfire responded in kind. The two girls moaned and looked into one another's eyes. Supergirl's lips began to quiver and she began to giggle, and Starfire joined her. Their young, vital voices rose in giddy delight as the fingers did their work, becoming beautiful music to Superman's ears.

He turned and regarded Raven. She had shed her bodysuit, but her dark hood and cape remained. She lay on the ground, moaning softly as several tendrils of emerald energy shimmered across her body, snaking over her breasts and winding down into her, toying with her clitoris like a serpentine tongue. Superman's gaze followed the tendrils to their source; a gleaming power ring on the hand of Soranik Natu, a striking Green Lantern whose dark hair was cut close to her head. The corner of Soranik's dark mouth rose in a grin as Raven moaned again at her ministrations.

Raven raised her hands and two sparks of silver light appeared beneath her hood as her eyes shot open. Her black aura coursed back along the emerald beams, and enveloped the Green Lantern. Soranik voiced her pleasant surprise as the darkness massaged her body.

The two women lay meters apart, writhing on the ground as both darkness and emerald light performed a sensual dance between them. Never once did they physically contact each other, yet they knew each other most intimately.
Beyond them, Superman saw several other ladies of the Green Lantern Corps. Legendary guardians such as the exotic Katma Tui and the blond vixen Arisia, they were engulfed in a tumultuous web of energy, each woman unleashing her power ring to pleasure the other Lanterns. Superman was certain that the Guardians of the Universe would find this use of their power rings most inappropriate. Too bad for them.

Superman's eyes settled on his beloved Diana, Wonder Woman. She lay naked, her perfect form still the pinnacle of beauty. She did not lay alone. A nearly identical younger woman, Donna Troy, and a petite blond beauty, Cassandra Sandsmark, both known as Wonder Girl, lay with her. They twisted and turned in a circle of bliss, each woman's tongue pleasuring the next in line. Presently, Cassandra cried out her orgasm into Diana, who was occupied with bringing Donna to her own climax. Their three voices rang out in perfect harmony. They sprawled out, trying to catch their breath.

"Gods..." Diana gasped.

"That was..." Donna's voice shook as she sighed.

"Wonder...full." Cassandra whispered breathlessly.

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