Risking Curiosity

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Risking Curiosity

The sun had set hours ago. The evening was laden with a thick fog as night blossomed over Gotham City. Dark towers of stone and glass jutted up through the mist like sleeping giants, the skyscrapers of Gotham. A dark figure scampered across the rooftops, swift and sure, leaping from one towering building to the next without hesitation. With effortless grace, the slender shadow flitted from roof to roof, all the while clutching a small bag.

"Not a bad night, Selina." Selina Kyle, the infamous Catwoman, smiled contently as she vaulted across a forty story chasm between office buildings, her eyes glittering behind her diamond shaped infrared goggles. There was at least three million dollars worth of diamonds in the bag pressed tightly against her formfitting black leather costume. "Not bad at all..."

Selina leapt across another gap, but as her black boot landed on the ledge of the next rooftop, the stone cracked and gave way. With a startled cry, Selina pitched backward toward a long fall and a certain death.

Then a black gloved hand grabbed her wrist and pulled her back onto the roof.

"Well, I never thought you'd show up when I actually needed you, Batman..." Selina stopped short as she saw whom the gloved hand belonged to.

It was a man, tall and solidly built. He wore a dark black trench coat and matching fedora and rimmed glasses. What caught Selina's eye was his bright red tie. It fluttered about in the wind, contrasting sharply with his black ensemble. He looked down at her, and she noticed his eyes were a piercing blue.

"I'm not Batman." He spoke in a deep baritone.

"No joke." Selina wrenched her wrist from his grasp. "Thanks all the same, buddy. Forget that you saw me."

"I just saved your life." He stepped in front of her as she moved away, blocking her path. "You owe me."

"You're out of your league, Mr. Power Tie." Selina grabbed the scarlet fabric in her hand and pulled the man's face close to hers, forcing him to stare into her tinted goggles. "Now get out of my way."

"Just a few questions." He held her gaze unflinchingly. "No harm in that."

"You're a reporter?" She let go of his tie, sighing with impatience. "I thought you were at least a wannabe superhero."

"Clark Kent, Dailey Planet." He extended his hand, doffing his hat and smiling broadly. "I promise to keep the interview brief."

"Just long enough to let the cops catch me?" Selina shook her head in disbelief. "How stupid do you think I am, Mr. Kent?"

"The police were just given an anonymous tip that a burglar was seen about three miles from here, heading in the opposite direction." Clark adjusted his glasses. "I don't think they'll interrupt us."

"That's quite kind of you, Mr. Kent." Selina grinned slyly. "Very illegal, too. That doesn't hurt."

I'll take that as a yes." Clark produced a pad and pencil from his coat pocket. "And please, call me Clark, Miss Catwoman."

"Just Catwoman, thanks...Mr. Kent." Selina smiled with faint amusement. "You're pretty mild mannered for a reporter."

"I've managed an interview with the legendary Catwoman." Clark countered. "But I can get rough if you want."

"Excuse me?" Selina set her bag down next to her, setting her clawed gloves on her hips.

"With the interview, I mean." Clark adjusted his glasses again. "So what drew you to crime?"

"I like money." Selina answered tersely. "And diamonds. Speaking of which..." She gestured to the bag next to her. "I should be going."

"Is it true you were involved in S&M dominatrix sex clubs before your criminal career?" Clark jotted down notes.

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