What i felt!

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Jung Kook's P.O.V.

I could hear people talking, I do not know where I was, but I felt weak. I wanted to sleep more but my head hurts like a bitch it is as if it is going to explode. I wanted to sleep cause the headache was getting worse because of all the talking. I tried to move but my body was not responding to me. I was now getting annoyed, the volume of the people talking was getting louder.

But that is when I remembered Tae bear. My Tae.

I tried to get up, but not without a groan leaving my lips. Why does my body hurt so much?

Then it clicked, I felt Unconscious, Tae Had woken up, I need to go to him.

People Ran towards me, I heard to door banging open.

- Augh! Why so fucking loud!

- Jung Kook!

- I need to go to Tae!

- You cannot leave in this state.

- Do Not Tell ME What to Do!

- I am your father, and you will do as I say!

- No, I Will NOT. MOVE!

He growls at me; and I growl back. That is when the doctor comes in. He can feel and smell the pheromones leaving our bodies and instantly submits to his superiors.

- Alphas, I need to speak with you both. Please calm down, and Alpha Jung Kook you can go see Tae Hyung whenever you can.

- How is his condition?

- That is what I want to talk about; Alpha Jung Kook, do you know what you have done?

- What? What do you mean? He is okay Right? I did not hurt him.

Did I do something bad? Did I hurt him? This thought was eating me up. What have I done?

- NO! Do not get me wrong Alpha Jung Kook, you have saved Him.

- What do you mean I saved him?

- Exactly that I mean! He is all healed up, he is healthy.

- What do you mean? I do not understand. What happened?

- How did you feel when he was in that state? Cause I was talking, telling you Alpha his condition, and you just walked to him, without me even finishing. Then we heard your howl and came inside. So, please tell us everything that happened and how you felt?

- I do not know how to explain it. I just saw him there and I was consumed and overwhelmed by sadness and sorrow. I felt my heart shattering at the state he was in, he was pale, lifeless. I could not believe what you had just said in that moment. I did not understand how he could have gone through so much, how he could have not told me. I could have helped him; I could have brought him with me to my pack. I could have done something, but I did not know, he went through that all alone, and above it all, School, how he is treated and bullied, Now here IN MY OWN DAMN PACK. Do you know what I felt in that moment? I was angry at it all, I was sad, I was shattered, consumed by sorrow. If I felt like that, how would he have felt! I love him to damn much, and to know he went through that just broke me, literally. I could not believe it. I was in state between shocked, to sorrow, to anger, I felt that all at the same time. I did not know how to handle so many emotions at the same time. I wanted to go to the one who has done all this and punish them with a slow and painful death. I wanted to go to the one that raped my baby, I wanted to kill him the most, the rage that consumed me just by the thought of it was so overwhelming.

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