Prologue 1

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Issei a special kid since his parents knew about the supernatural for a while now since his father is a exorcist not the one who works with the church mind you but one who gets rid of monsters called Kegare as well as his mother that's been their job but the supernatural started getting curious on their power trying to recruit them and use them for their own benefits of course they denied and stay hidden from now on Issei at age 3 knew what his parents could do and how strong they were, they weren't at Ophis level of power but they were strong enough to handle a Maou or 2 even a Arch-Angel, Issei wanting to be like them chose to train he was going to ask if his twin sister wanted to as well but his mother quickly stopped him you see his sister Akari doesn't know about the supernatural and his parents want to keep it that way they want to keep her safe from them they wanted to do the same with Issei but he wanted to be part of it not joining their side of course but being a exorcist like his parents so they chose to train him only.

2 years into his training he's made good progress at such a young age he could handle a couple of stray devils and some kegares and defeat them easily but he wanted to get more powerful he wasn't going to settle with just that he over trained his body the he managed to break his human limits at 7 he was now one punching weak supernatural being that dare mess with him or his family but while he did train he did have somewhat a normal childhood he had a childhood friend Irina someone he really cared about in all honesty she was one person he felt like he could trust working for the supernatural but the day she moved it hurt him and his sister but they had to move on and keep living and Issei did that by training even harder even after breaking his human limits there were enemies that even he couldn't defeat yet the Kegare were learning and becoming stronger themselves especially the Basara kind and Issei something that his parents weren't really so proud off he managed to turn himself to a Kegare himself well half Kegare it gave more of a power boost and he gained two things called impurity arms one bright read one on his right and another black one on his left his parents when they found out he did this they were angry for sure but soon let it slide since Issei was still his normal self he continued his training up to age 10 getting the hand of his new weapon and several other his parents gave him they belong to a group called the 12 guardians old Kegare exorcist group before they sadly passed away but not only that Issei found books on old techniques people use to use back than Ki, Chakra, Aura, Haki, and even mana something to help with his Tailsmans and Magic. Issei has now passed his parents he was stronger than both of them if he wanted to he could have easily killed Great Red himself but Issei knew there were stronger people out there and sooner or later Issei was going to meet them...

But for now his parents chose to celebrate by going on trip to England Issei knew one thing thats where Irina was he thought he could visit her but his parents told him sadly he wouldn't be able to if they were to get anywhere near the Church bad things could happen so he and his sister had to stay away sadly but they were excited for a family road trip they had a good time in England especially Issei and his sister when they accidentally crashed a wedding but thats a story that will never be told but let's just say Issei found a picture that was no meant to be shown to the bride...

Itsuki: Issei don't do something like that again jeez! You basically ruined a whole wedding!

Issei: If the groom didn't want that picture leak have a better password Akari was able to guess it easily.

Hana: What were you two doing at the wedding anyway?

Issei and Akari: Cake.

Itsuki: Of course...

All 4 of them were making their way back to the hotel they were staying at but Issei told his parents he was going to sit outside for a bit and just stare at the stars it a hobby he picked up to cool off his mind from all the mission he's done with his parents they said it was fine but to come to their room by 12 so Issei left the hotel and went towards the park near by to relax well he wanted to but he could sense a evil type of Ki near by he walks towards it to see a devil but not a random one Issei knew this guy Diodora he hated the guy he knew the crimes he's committed against innocent the innocent sister but the church won't do anything about it neither will the devil council since they see nothing wrong with it.

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