In the afternoon, I pick up my phone nervously. I was to anxious to press Zeke's number, but I did it anyways. I was afraid he said "I thought you were a young smoker and drinker, I didn't know your some Tomboy, don't call me ever again!" Or something like that. He looks rough, so when I tell him the truth, I'll lose him.
"I'm coming" Zeke said
"Yeah but.. it's okay to turn back home.." I said covered with sweat
"Why?" He questioned
"I-I I have to go skateboarding with my friends!" I yelled in pain "Look, I'm never like this but.. I afraid to call you because I thought your going to abandoned me!"
"Really? You thought I would abandoned you?"
We were slient for a while
"I won't abandoned you! Plus, you see pretty nice.. Go on! Do whatever you like!" We said with a smile
I hung up, I never saw Zeke like this.

"Scrappy" By: Shia Balli
Духовные18 year old Julie Hernanden is a troublemaker in 12th Grade. On a Wednesday night, after going to the bar, she went to a dark alley were a 20 year old guy was smoking. Julie met up with that guy, his name is Zeke. Zeke introduced himself to Julie, h...