I woke up with a smile on my face, I never usually be like this mood before. I opened the door and head downstairs where breakfast was already put down on the table. I said good morning to my Mom, Dad, and my big brother, who is now in college, Micheal.
"I never know you were like this!" Mom said with a smile on her face.
I didn't say a answer. For breakfast we have eggs and bacon. I appreciate my mother's cooking, but dad's is really disgusting. After eating breakfast, I do my normal routine and get the heck out.
Every day, Micheal drops me off to school, not myself. After he drops me to school, he goes home and do school work on his computer. The reason why he does online school is because my mother can't afford a college for him, same with dad.
I gone into school, everything was pretty normal until my friends came. My 4 old buddies, Jermany, Jillian, Destiny, and Marshall.
"Hi Jewels! We're going to go skateboarding! Wanna come?" Asked Jermany
"No.. I have more important stuff to do.." I said covered in sweat
"Aw cmon! Just today? It's our first time doing this!" Destiny exclaimed
"How bout tommorow?" I questioned
"Destiny! If she have important stuff to do, then deal with it, she's out friend, respect her!" Whispered Jillian in her ear, the she turn to me.
"Sure! Tommorow is fine!" She said with a smile.
After that, we all talk until the bell rings. I remember I come into the classroom with a smile on my face, waiting for a good day to happen.

"Scrappy" By: Shia Balli
Espiritual18 year old Julie Hernanden is a troublemaker in 12th Grade. On a Wednesday night, after going to the bar, she went to a dark alley were a 20 year old guy was smoking. Julie met up with that guy, his name is Zeke. Zeke introduced himself to Julie, h...