Christmas Eve

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"Hermione," Percy greeted with a smile. He descended the stairs towards the witch, who was pulling off her gloves. "You got my owl."

She nodded, starting to unwind her scarf. "My parents weren't thrilled about me cutting our vacation short, but this was important. You said Mr. Weasley's okay?"

Percy nodded. He took her jacket for her and hung it up on a hook. "He'll be home for Christmas dinner tomorrow."

Hermione smiled. "That's wonderful news." Then her face dropped. "You said in the owl that Harry is unwell?"

He nodded again, placing one hand on the witch's back to steer her towards a more private location. Percy led her up the stairs and into an empty room.

"You know Harry saw this attack through Voldemort's snake," Percy explained. That had been in the letter. "A few days ago at St. Mungo's—right after I sent the owl actually—Harry and Ron, Fred, George, and Ginny overheard the Order talking about the incident. They eavesdropped and heard a discussion. And," he continued. "Harry now believes Voldemort is possessing him."

Hermione stared at Percy, her mouth half open. "Are you serious? That's ridiculous!"

"I know that, and you know that, and everyone else knows that," Percy agreed, crossing his arms. "But Harry doesn't and it's hurting him. But you know him better than I, and Ron isn't good with feelings."

Hermione nodded. "Both are true. Harry is a very sensitive person, but he's also logical when things are explained. I think—" she paused, her mind racing. "We should talk with him, and get Ginny, too. She's actually been possessed, so she can help Harry understand that whatever this is, it's not that."

Percy nodded. "Brilliant. Can you go get her? I'll grab Ron."

"Right now?" Hermione asked with surprise.

"Yes. I don't want Harry doing something rash. Who knows what he's thinking of doing if he believes he's possessed and putting you all in danger."

"That's fair," the witch agreed.

They split up, Percy tracing down Ron while Hermione found the youngest Weasley. The witch explained to them in a quiet voice what the plan was as they walked over to the bedroom Ron and Harry shared.

"Harry?" Hermione knocked loudly. "It's me. Open up."

Percy stepped back as the door opened. As Ginny, Ron, and Hermione went in, he slipped away. He knew that Harry had the best chance of listening to his friends and Percy's presence probably would make him nervous. 

Besides, Percy had work to do for the Order.

He headed down the stairs, the old steps creaking under his weight. The house was still gloomy with dark walls and dim lights, but the joy of Arthur soon to be home and Christmas upcoming raised the place. It felt joyful. Percy was reluctantly reminded of camp. He wondered where Nico was, if his cousin was with family or Voldemort.

Just as Percy expected, the Order was gathered in the kitchen. It was even more filled than usual, with Dumbledore, McGonagall, and Snape in attendance as well.

When Percy entered, Dumbledore nodded at him meaningfully. "Perseus, good," he said in his mystical voice. The others looked up at Percy in acknowledgment.

"So, Umbridge?" Sirius prompted, wanting to return to the matter at hand.

"She is furious that I allowed the children to leave without her permission," Dumbledore admitted. "But thanks to Perseus, she has accepted that it was necessary. He told her Arthur was in St. Mungo's due to a mishap during a Ministry job."

"Not out of character," Molly muttered.

"Alas, I suspect this will only enrage her further," Dumbledore lamented. "We must be on our guard." The Order nodded, murmuring. Dumbledore then turned to Percy. "Perseus, might you accompany me on a walk?"

He nodded, stepping forward from where he had been leaning against a wall. The other Order members raised an eyebrow that Dumbledore had requested to be alone with a seventeen-year-old, but said nothing.

Dumbledore swept passed Percy, and he turned and followed the old man down the hall. The professor led him out out of the house and started a slow, steady pace down the street. Thankfully, few people seemed to be out around Grimmauld place. It was a snowy, cloudy day, and a group of children played down the street, but it was otherwise empty. Most people were inside with their family, preparing for Christmas Eve that night.

"I did not get the chance to speak with you privately after the incident," Dumbledore began.

"No," Percy agreed. They had both been busy dealing with Umbridge, Arthur, the Ministry, and the children. There had been no time for the two to sit down and review. "The vision with Harry..."

Dumbledore nodded. "He saw through the snake because that was where Voldemort was at the moment."

"The snake is a horcrux," Percy realized.

"I believe so," Dumbledore affirmed. He clasped his hands behind his back as they strolled down the street. "And this affirmed for me that Harry is one as well."

Dumbledore had already told him of his suspicions about Harry, but the verbal mention of it still caused shock to roll through Percy. The young wizard still didn't even know the prophecy...could he do what needed to be done even though he had to die? Percy understood keeping that final secret, that Harry was a horcrux, until the end. But he though Dumbledore needed to tell Harry about the prophecy. The boy needed to understand what was at stake. That Voldemort might now try to use their connection to lead him to the Department of Mysteries.

"Their connection is dangerous," Percy frowned. "If you refuse to tell Harry of the prophecy, he needs to at least be prepared for an invasion of his mind."

Dumbledore dipped his head affirmatively. "Yes, I have asked Severus to instruct him in Occlumency."

Percy bit his lip. He thought it would be better—loads better—if Dumbledore taught Harry himself. The young wizard hated Snape. He would not trust the man or want to do well in his lessons. But Harry trusted Dumbledore and strived to please the old man. He would feel safer and learn better with him.

"We must be careful, Perseus," Dumbledore told him as they walked. "Voldemort May try to use the connection at any time. I fear I may not be long for this school if Umbridge has her way, so it will be up to you to keep an eye on Harry." He sighed. "Goodness knows the boy has no idea how much he owes you."

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