The Trick

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Harry and his friends used the telephone booth to get into the Ministry. Much to his surprise, the Ministry seemed to be empty--at least, the Department of Mysteries was. He led them to the door--it was surreal to see it in person, a physical door that actually existed outside of his dreams. The next room had spun and confused them until Hermione had the genius idea of marking the ones that weren't correct.

They finally were able to get through and into the Hall of Prophecies, with it's swirling blue orbs. There had to be thousands upon thousands of small orbs with various prophecies.

Harry hurried down the aisles, leading his friends to the place he knew Sirius to be. He couldn't hear any noise, but that didn't mean anything, because Sirius was here, he knew he was here, he'd seen it--

He came to a stop. Harry was standing in the exact place he'd seen Sirius, but no one was there. He spun around, holding out his wand for light. He had to be around somewhere.

"Harry, mate?" Ron asked, looking nervous. "I don't think he's here."

"He has to be," Harry insisted.

"What are these?" Ginny asked, staring at the balls on the shelves.

"Prophecies," Luna replied in her airy voice.

"Wait a minute," Hermione muttered, "this has Percy's name on it!"

They all huddled around her curiously. Sure enough, one of the orbs, a very large one, read The Great Prophecy of Perseus Jackson and Luke Castellan.

Suddenly, it began to speak. A raspy woman's voice came from the swirling orb, tendrils of green smoke curling around them to create terrifying images:

A half-blood of the eldest gods,
The smoke formed around a figure of Percy as a boy, staring with terrified eyes on some sort of hill.
Shall reach sixteen against all odds.

To see the world in endless sleep,
The green smoke fluttered and solidified, showing a scene of Percy as a teenager, holding a brilliant bronze sword and staring at a city with unconscious inhabitants.

The hero's soul, cursed blade shall reap.

A single choice shall end his days,

Olympus to preserve or raze.
The smoke showed Percy leaning over someone's dead body, a knife impaled in the top of person's left chest, under the armpit.

They stared. What the hell was that? What did any of that mean, and what did it have to do with Percy? Harry wondered if that was real. He had no idea what to make of any of that. And the last image—had Percy really killed someone?

"Hold on, a bunch of these have his name," Ron muttered, looking at the other smaller orbs next to it.

The Lightning Thief, Percy Jackson, Annabeth Chase, Grover Underwood
Golden Fleece, Percy Jackson, Annabeth Chase, Tyson, Clarisse LaRue;
Artemis' Rescue, Percy Jackson, Thalia Grace, Zoë Nightshade, Grover Underwood, Bianca di Angelo;
The Labyrinth, Percy Jackson, Annabeth Chase, Grover Underwood, Tyson, Rachel Dare
Freedom of Death, Percy Jackson, Hazel Lavesque, Frank Zhang
The Great Prophecy, Percy Jackson, Jason Grace, Annabeth Chase, Frank Zhang, Leo Valdez, Piper McLean, Hazel Lavesque

What was this? Why was Percy in so many prophecies? What did they mean?

"Yo Harry, this has your name on!" Neville called in surprise. He'd drifted away to examine the other prophecies.

Harry turned to see the boy pointing at a smoky blue orb on the shelf. He frowned and looked at it: sure enough, there were two names on there, including his own and Voldemort's. Harry reached up and closed his fingers around the orb. When he held it in his hands, the bright blue smoke dulled to a blue-gray color.

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