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"Next door."

I jumped out of my bed and grabbed my lamp post as if that would do anything huh? "Again acknowledge first please!"

"GO. next door the troll hunter is next door!"

Wait jim knows who the trollhunter is? I was too curious to meet who it was so I grabbed the amulet and ran to Jim's front door where Dandril was already standing by the door.

"You know maybe if you taught me that trick it would be much easier." Pressing the door bell I felt a faint pain in my chest as I lightly clawed at it.

He seemed to become more passive when I asked him "you are under NO CIRCUMSTANCES ALLOWED TO USE YOUR CHAOS. EVER!"

I froze up as I slowly backed away from him and he immediately disapeared "whatever I did, I'm glad I did it."

A loud came from inside the house which made me a bit worried, I tried the door bell again but no answer. I was gonna bang on the door but as soon as I did Tobias opened the door and I might have hit his face instead.

I froze in place as I did that "Toby! I'm so sorry"

He continued grabbing his nose "ugh, that's okay. My face is still partly numb"

The wince on my face still didn't leave as I asked "do you know where jim is?".

I noticed how he got nervous and started to stumble over his words "um jim is sort of a bit sick doesn't wanna get you any sicker, you know?"

Growing suspicious I knew I had to push on "do you by any chance know something of or other worldly Toby?" I tried my best to seem intimidating but how could a blonde girl like me seem suspicious?

"Uh..." he continued to trail off  "you know Elizabeth you have been hanging out with Eli for way too long"

Something almost ticked in me but I knew I had to prove it, somehow I knew he knew something. From the corner of my eye I noticed Dandril appear beside me but out of Toby's sight.

"What do you need?" He asked quietly.

I was hesitant but I knew it was the only way.

"Give me the incantation Dandril"

He didn't answer me at first but he did afterwards, "by the power of Merlin, chaos is mine to wield."

The amulet shook in my pocket and I noticed how Toby became a bit weirded out by what I said "um what incantation?"

"By the power of Merlin, chaos is mine to wield!"

From behind toby I saw a troll with four arms come running from the kitchen "wait, don't do it!" 

As I tried to walk away I saw my amulet fly in front of my face ticking and shaking violently as it glowed. Dark armour and purple wisps appeared around me. I felt myself float and the armour slowly come together.

Engravings of dark purple all over my black armour had me amazed. As I fell to my knees my amulet flew to the centre of my chest and bonded it self with the armour by veins of dark metal.

Standing up I looked at my armour covered hands, it was shocking how all of this appeared out of thin air. Looking up at Toby I saw the trolls behind him and immediately pushed him behind me.

"Nothing to see here huh Toby? " I mocked him lightly as I gave a stern look to them.


As the trollhunter and the two trolls hid, Jim heard a familiar voice talk to Toby "Elizabeth! She's okay!" He whispered loudly.

The six eyed troll grew worried as he heard Toby begin to stammer, as he was about to say something he heard an incantation which he had never heard for years. He ran out of the kitchen trying to stop it before it was too late.

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