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begin mountains by Hans Zimmer when the ticking begins.

AS SOON AS THEY HAD REACHED THE ARENA ELIZABETH JUMPED OFF OF MARC, running towards the pit she looked down sighing in relief when she saw the darkness was no longer there. Turning around she saw the skies begin to turn red and winced in fear.

She said to them all "you guys have to keep Dandril out, he can't get to the core!"

"He's gonna be too strong!" Toby said fearfully.

Wayde ran up to them "we have an easy plan against people like him" he grinned when he saw the chaoswielder "you're back, Thought we'd might have to go on a hunt for you"

She smiled back at him "hope you're glad"

Jim frowned and wrapped his arm around her waist "not too glad" he mumbled.

She rolled her eyes at him and gave them the plan "Marcus and Claire I'll need you guys to take the skies, keep and eye out and hit down anyone who doesn't look friendly." marcus lowered his head down and Claire got on, looking at Toby she said to him "we'll need back up, fast. Go to Zariya and tell them the chaoswielder has returned and needs you now more than ever."

"I don't think I'm the most trusted person there Liz" he said to her.

She shook her head and summoned her sword handing it to him "they'll believe you with this, tell them we need defence around the pit, Wayde will help you out with that!" she said nodding to Wayde.

The both of them left and liz held her shoulder in pain as she began to stumble. Jim helped steady her and asked "what do you need me to do?"

Elizabeth had a flash of regret in her eyes and said to him "I'll need someone to watch my back in there." she said jokingly.

He chuckled and tucked a hair behind her ear and asked, he only became more and more worried as the corruption began to weaken her even more "I am going to see you on the other side of this, right?" he asked.

She hesitantly nodded her head and smiled, placing a hand on his cheek saying jokingly yet truthfully "I keep no promises."

He smiled lightly and placed her arm over his shoulder and hand on her side "hold on!"

Vala fought against Dandril with all the power she had, while doing her best to keep the world stable. He cackled as he saw her "I do not wish to kill you too Vala, I've already hurt Alina."

She growled and sent a barage of shards towards him "HOW DARE YOU!" she roared before flying towards him "utter her name again I dare you!" she threatened moving his body against his will.

He chuckled lightly as he smugly said "Alina..."

Her eyes turned bright Hazel and she created a spike in her arm before driving it through him, her eyes widened in shock as he chuckled seeing it didn't affect him at all, before she could process any of it he broke the spike in half and drove it straight through her heart. Her energy began to fade away as she collapsed to the ground.

Merlin called out as he struggled against the grasp Dandril had over him "NO!"

She shivered as she slowly saw herself begin to fade away, Dandril moved towards her and grabbed her face looking down at her "Atleast you'll be able to see your love again" he let go of her face and walked past her "and thank you for the gateway." he moved through the portal and into the old realm.

Merlin rushed to her side "Vala, I am so sorry-"

Standing up she used the last bit of her energy "I must protect her, at all costs" she looked at Merlin and pleaded "you must keep this world stable.

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