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MARC GROANED AS HE BEGAN TO STRUGGLE, trying to control the blast he saw her move towards him, he moved the blast towards her and she used her staff, her powers fighting against him

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MARC GROANED AS HE BEGAN TO STRUGGLE, trying to control the blast he saw her move towards him, he moved the blast towards her and she used her staff, her powers fighting against him. Groaning she shouted "Marcus I know you're in there!" she was being pushed back "I know you can hear me!" He ignored her words and kept pushing her back, she tried to form some sort of resistance and fight back "Please, I don't want to fight you!" she pleaded tears streaming down her face.

His eyes were flickering to hazel and he shook his head "what are you doing to me?!" he yelled.

"Marcus you are doing it, fight back!" blinky encouraged. Marc's head snapped towards him, he glared before using his other hand on Blinky, blasting him as well.

"Marc please!" she said before stopping her powers and as did he, walking towards him she reached her hand out "I'm not leaving without you" determination laced in her words "please, don't let me do this stupid decision on my own"

His face softened as he stopped blasting Blinky and lowered his hands "Claire?"

She cried tears of relief "there you are."

He smiled back at her but screamed in pain. It scared her as she wanted to rush to his side, his hand moved towards her and he felt the energy travel to them. He didn't want to hurt her, forcefully lowering his hands he fell to his knees and breathed in, looking up to the sealing he screamed out as he breathed out all the flame he had in him. She watched in horror as she saw his fire, depleting from green, to red, to nothing.

In a sigh of tiredness he fell down unconscious as he used up all the energy he had in him, forcefully getting the serum out of him. She ran to him and cradled him in her arms "Marc?" she asked. Blinky sat by her side as they awaited for Marc to awaken, he grew worried as he thought of the worst. Cradling him in her arms she stroked his cheek "it wasn't supposed to end like this, you said we do these stupid decisions together" she told jokingly as tears streamed down.

"I know, it's just I was hoping for some shut eye before we finish it" he said weakly with a teasing grin on his features.

She chuckled in relief and wrapped her arms around him, Blinky said triumphantly "it's wonderful to have you back Marcus!" he placed his hand on both of their shoulders "but now is not the time to celebrate, the mission is not over yet."

Toby and Aaarrrgghh kept trying to rip the tendrils off but they kept growing more and more "this is pointless!"

From behind them someone cleared their throats, Marc leaned against Claire as he waved sheepishly "hey guys."

Toby rushed and hugged him "your back, and okay!"

Aaarrrgghh was sceptical "not bad anymore?"

He shook his head "not bad anymore, thanks to the mistress of shadows over here" he said teasingly to Claire.

She rolled her eyes before looking at agnar worriedly as he was slowly being consumed by the darkness "how do we get him out of there?"

He moved away from her as he limped to a wall and cleared the branches away revealing a switch, as he flipped it the tendrils all disappeared making Agnar fall down. Claire rushed to help Marc again "sorry if i had hurt you too much."

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