• Am i delirious?•

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(Delirious pov)

As we got out of the car she walked towards us.

Marlie: Hey boys!

Im not going to lie. i didnt want to be her friend, and i dont EVER want to be her friend. She just knew my sister and i was forced to be nice.

Evan: Oh..hey Marlie.

I didnt say anything. I didnt acknowledge that she was there.

Marlie: Not going to say hi to me?

Delirious: mh.

I turned away.

Marlie: Why the fuck are you being so rude?

Evan: Why the fuck are you going to start that shit?

Marlie: Evan stay out of this. Jon what the hell is wrong with you.

Delirious: nothing.

Marlie: Fucking liar. You need to stop being a dick.

Delirious: And you need to stop trying to get dick, You whore.

I growled out. Evan looked at me and then back at Marlie. He pulled me closer so she couldnt do anything. I felt protected.

Evan:Fuck you.

Marlie: I know you would.

She winked and this is a game so...its not illegal to hit this bitch...is it? 

Delirious: Stop trying! He doesnt want you!

Marlie: You want him.

I stood there. Fuck, i forgot she knew about me liking him. Evan didnt seem fazed by her comment.

Evan: Fuck off Marlie. Nobody wants to fuck you.

Marlie: ill be back.

She ran off and Evan turned to me.

Evan: she really is a bitch, isnt she?

Delirious: My point has already been proven.

Evan: Haha. Wanna go get something to eat?

Delirious: Sure.

We went to eat and then got a call from Mini...

Mini: Hey.

Delirious: Hey, whats up?

Mini: Nothing much.

Delirious: Is everything okay? You seem like somethings happening.

Mini: Give me a second.

I was confused. I heard a door close behind him and he started to whisper.

Mini: I want to tell everyone im Gay soon.

Delirious: Good for you! Do you need me?

Mini: Yeah, we are all going to meet up at the docks.

Delirious: okay. Ill tell evan! Ill see you there!

I hung up and told Evan. We went on our way and once we got there mini was sitting on the docks.

Mini: Okay, i have a big announcement.

Brock: ok. You okay?

Mini: yeah im fine. But, i just wanted to let everyone know im...im Gay.

Tyler smiled, while everyone seemed shocked. He didnt.

Tyler: You go Craig!

Mini smiled. We all hugged him.

Mini: Thanks for being here guys.

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